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A/N: ok idk if the ending of the last one was clear- he was talking about the person he USED to trust the most, not Clay. This chapter is the memory of that day, it's QUITE a few years back probably when George was like 16-17. Just don't get confused XD

TWs at the end to avoid spoilers, if ur worried or triggered by things scroll down now

George's POV

I walked down the pier, my hand wrapped around Kat's. We were both chatting and giggling about nothing in particular, just enjoying one another's company. Happiness and love bubbled in my stomach..but so did a whole lot of nerves. I knew I had to tell her eventually, but I had repeatedly told myself that I would do it another day. It had been put off for too long, it was now or never and the thought of hiding it my whole life was almost sickening.

After about 10 minutes we decided to sit down at the edge of the pier with our legs dangling over the edge, hands sill held. I felt a head rest on my shoulder and smiled knowing who it belonged to. If I could I would've sat there foreverbut I knew there would be no better time than now, and I couldn't keep avoiding it. It couldn't stay a secret anymore.

"Um- Katrina.." I started, looking down at my lap. She hummed in response, putting her chin on my shoulder to look up at me. "There's..I wanna talk to you about something, and I.. I dunno, I just need you to take me seriously I guess? I trust you more than.. anyone, really, so..you're the first person I'm telling. It's just.. I love you, and I don't even want you to worry that it would change anything, because..it's just personal."

As I spoke she sat up, turning so she was facing me and I was facing her. There was concern and care shining in her blue eyes, and it made me feel validated. It made me feel important. It made me feel loved. "George, you can tell me anything. I promise to the moon and back that I'll still love you. I DO love you."

I smiled slightly, looking down at her gorgeous face and leaning in to kiss her. My hand travelled to her back to pull her closer, and I felt her smile. Kat wrapped her arms around my shoulder and, after we pulled away, buried her face in my neck. I hummed slightly, stroking her hair. It all felt perfect, it all felt right.. a dream to be transformed into a nightmare.

"So...what did you wanna tell me?"

"Well, um...I'm..bisexual."

She didn't move. My heartbeat grew slightly faster as a minute passed without either of us speaking, the significance of my first ever coming out weighing on my chest. There was only silence as she pulled herself away from me, staring into my face with flashing eyes. I felt bile rise in my throat as I realised the concern was gone. The care might as well never been there. What seemed like..anger burned into me as she stared, slowly standing up and stepping back.

I nodded, not even daring to breath. This was a mistake. I shouldn't have said anything. Oh god. Ohh, God.
"So all this time you've been gay?"

I frowned, the disgust lacing her tone hitting me like bullets as I stuttered out "well—no, I'm bi, I—"

"Seriously, George? After EVERYTHING?"
Her voice was cutting into me as she grew louder, making me wince. My hands itches to cover my ears but I just stood, as if in shock, with no idea what to do.
"You met my PARENTS. I bought  TICKETS to here so we could be together for the summer, and now what you're telling me you'd rather be with a man?!"

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