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Georges POV

I woke up comfortably in my bed, my throat sore and my cheeks warm. Yesterday evening had been the first time in years that I properly lost it in front of someone, to the point where even when I came back into consciousness I couldn't breath. But, unexpectedly, Clay had dealt with it perfectly. Not saying my name repeatedly to freak me out, not shaking me, not getting upset himself. He did all the right things, calming me down faster than anyone else ever had.

The song he sang was one I recognised the tune of, but not the words. It was like I had heard it once before in a dream, but not clearly. Like it was playing in the background of something I couldn't quite remember because either it wasn't important enough or I decided to forget.

And the fact that he had dealt with my situation by singing to me was not what I expected. All the usual things never helped me, because for most they involved me speaking back. Like saying things I can see, hear, touch, taste, smell, or sharing what I was worried about. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment as I remembered how I sobbed when Clay asked what I had been thinking about, but even then he hadn't made too much of a fuss. He was amazing.

Now I made myself sit up, wincing when I saw the duvet crumpled on the floor. Clearly I hadn't slept calmly either, seeing as I couldn't do anything right.

Just as I was about to lose myself in memories of yesterday there was a knock at my door, alerting me to stand and open it.

Clay stood there, a gentle look on his face as he smiled at me. I did the same back, though weakly, and let him come in. I was about to sit down on the bed when I felt his hand touch my shoulder, making me jump slightly. He spun me round, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into the safest feeling hug I had been given in a long time.

One hand rested just above my waist, while the other was placed on the back of my head, fiddling with my hair gently. I blushed slightly and buried my face in his chest, hesitantly hugging him back. We stayed like that for a minute, processing and soaking up the moment together. The heat from his body was like a blanket, and when added to the blush I already had it was like being safe in bed again. His arms around me was more of a comfort than anything I had felt or been through in a while, and it showed me again just how perfect this boy was.

"You feeling okay this morning Georgie?" his deep voice sent small vibrations through my body, filling my stomach with butterflies and making me tighten my arms around him. I nodded into his chest, feeling him hum quietly in response. After a few more moments of enjoying this embrace we both pulled away, neither of us wanting to make the other feel awkward by lingering.

"So, I spoke to Nick- don't worry I didn't go in to any detail! I just said you had been feeling very tired and he agreed that we could stay in today. I don't mind what you wanna do, if we watch a film you can pick it and if we eat something you can decide what. This is your day George, we wanna make you feel better." I smiled at the last words, admiring the way his green eyes looked nervously to the floor as he spoke. When he looked up for confirmation I nodded and reached out, taking his hand and giving it a small squeeze. He didn't let go as he led me down the stairs.


Nick's POV

It was pathetic.

Seeing the way they followed one another around, like lost puppies looking for their owner. George was never like that on his own, but the moment Clay gets there he ignores me, his eyes gluing to the blonde, his cheeks dusting themselves pink.

But Clay never changed. Even when the brunette wasn't there, all he spoke about was George George George. He never even gave the other space to breath, constantly following him around, talking to him with a stupidly sweet voice and asking him questions. It made my blood boil seeing how he looked at George, the clear hunger and greed filling his eyes. My stomach felt sick knowing that the victim enjoyed the constant gaze, sometimes even reciprocated it.

Of course, my opinion may have been slightly bitter seeing as I had developed feelings for George over the previous couple of days.

And sure, you could say it's fair that he would ignore me because I often disrespected and upset him.

Also, I know, my feelings for George seemed to develop directly after Karl rejected me, which might make it seem like I was just trying to distract myself from how that made me feel.

But that doesn't mean I wasn't right. I was the VICTIM here, just no one understood it yet. I was determined to make George like me, and if he tried telling me he didn't I would for sure change his mind.


George's POV

Clay led me down the hall by my hand, making sure I didn't feel alone or left behind. He chatted away as he usually does, filling the silence for me as we reached the top of the stairs. "Ladies first, Georgie" he said, grinning, letting go of my hand to let me get past. I rolled my eyes and did so, slipping past him and walking downwards. But my foot caught on the carpet, bringing my legs to a stop while my body kept going. I tripped, watching the ground get closer to me and holding my hands over my face until- an arm wrapped around my waist.

I squealed slightly as I was pulled upwards, back into the arms of a tall blonde. Butterflies filled my chest as I realised how close our faces were. There wasn't even an inch between our lips, and I found myself staring at him with a newfound feeling in the pit of my stomach, though not one I could quite identify. He was looking down at me, staring below my eyes. After a moment I noticed his breathing was slightly heavier than usual, and I felt the hand around my waist tighten.

"G-George, I-"

"Do you guys fucking mind?" I jumped at the sound of Nick's voice, turning to see him stood there with an unopened chocolate bar and a glass of water. His hair fell over his eyes as he glared at Clay, who gave me one last squeeze before steadying me on my feet and letting go.

"He tripped, Pandas. I caught him so he wouldn't get hurt."

"Right, and then continued to protect him by giving him a cuddle. Also, that's not my name." he rolled his eyes before looking to me, putting on a weird expression and holding out the things in his hands. "Georgie, do you want this?"

It made me feel weird when he used the nickname- it seemed wrong hearing it come out of someone other than Clay's mouth. I shook my head absent-mindedly, half-smiling before starting to walk downstairs. This time I didn't trip, but as I passed him Nick grabbed my waist, making me squeak and jump away. My mind raced as I stared at him unsurely, hugging myself and looking up to the blonde at the top of the stairs. He looked furious, staring at Nick with knives for eyes. After an uncomfortable and all too long moment I gently removed his hand from me and rushed down the stairs.

By the time I was at the bottom tears had filled my eyes, and Clay noticed this when following behind. He offered his hand and I took it, letting him lead me to the back door and then out of it, into the small garden area which went round to the front of the house. Clay held both of my hands, counting my breaths with me and keeping eye contact.

Those bright eyes stared through me as I tried my best to calm down, 123, 123, 123.

And after 5 or so minutes of counting and breathing, I was calm. The warm fingers wrapping perfectly around mine was all I needed to focus on. He wrapped me into a gentle hug, letting me grip handfuls of his shirt in my hands. Clay was all I needed to feel better, like he was a medicine for me anytime I struggled. A cure to any bad thought I ever had. And he always seemed so happy to help too, not acting like it was a chore or something he didn't like doing.

It was like we were made for each other.

(1498 words)

Hii, I didn't have time to reread but I will later. (edit- I just did and at some point i wrote 'the warmth from his body was like a blanket and combined with my blush i felt like i was under a blanket'. IM LITERALLY A DUMBASS I CANT OMG) Please remember to vote because it really helps, tysm for 2k and any other support!!


Have a gm, gd, ga, ge or gn. If ur reading this drink water and eat something, ilysm <333 

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