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She was exhausted and tired, as she entered the house from the market, no one was home, little Fred was at school, mama had travelled to another city to see and take care of her sick sister, Alex was wherever he was, maybe at work,
And Sophia she was always at home after all she was a house wife, her husband had forbade her to work, even when she wanted to start a home made business, he refused,

She had no choice, she didn't want to upset him, so she stopped, he always gave her money for the upkeeps, and she had an account that he sent money to monthly,

Dropping what she bought on the floor, she set to work, her husband had called her earlier to remind her of his friend, now that she was so tired, last night she had not slept well she kept tossing and turning, and she didn't know why, she felt something was amiss but she didn't know what,

After two hours of cooking and cleaning, she was done, she had served herself and wanted to dig in, when the door bell rang,

The door opened meaning it was Alex, she had shuffling sounds and welcoming greetings,

Few minutes later Alex had come into the kitchen, "they are here, at the dining table, serve us food okay?"

He didn't wait for her response, he was gone,

She sighed,

Carrying the tray of food, her eyes met with that of a woman, who smiled at her she returned the smile, she was surprised to see two instead of one person,

Alex was beaming with a smile, but she had not yet seen the man's face, because his back was turned from her,

She dropped the tray on the table,

"Your wife is beautiful" the woman complimented and just like in slow motion, the man turned to look at the wife of Alex, he was shocked, he stared at her, and she also looked at him, shock written all over her face, as if in a daze the two stared at each other, for a long time, Alex was talking probably introducing all of them, but everything was faint, shock, surprise, excitement, happiness was clearly written on the man's face,

Reality finally dawned on her, she looked at Alex and the other woman, their eyes was on her, one last long look at the man, she couldn't stay there so she ran, ran to her room and shut the door,

She was breathing heavily, she remembered the man's face, what was Jacob doing here? why did he come back? why did he come back here? why was Alex with him? He is Alex friend, what about her son? Did he come to take Fred? She would never give up Fred for anyone especially not him, tears fell freely from her eyes, she shut her eyes trying to make everything disappear, please let this be a dream, she begged, he was back,

She switched on her phone, checking the time, It was time to pick up Fred from school, even if Jacob was here, he will never recognize Fred, that was good, picking up her purse, she dashed out of the house, she didn't want to see any of their faces, she made her way to her son's school.

It was as if the day was running fast, it was evening soon, ever since she picked Fred from school, she had been in her room, Fortunately Alex had not come in to inquire about her strange behavior, he was probably out, the visitors would think she was a bad host but she did not care about that, her mind was still going back to Jacob and what his motive was, she remembered Lilian telling her about Jacob, but she had not really taken it seriously, she was sure that he would have seen Fred, since the little boy liked to play around the house,

What if he found out that Fred was his, that thought had been in her mind,ever since he came.

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