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Things seemed to be getting more intense while she tried to stay away, opportunities to get closer came by and even if she knew that deep down something was sparking, she didn't want to accept it, meanwhile Fred was getting to close to Jacob, even after all the scolding, he still called him father, anytime he said that word, she didn't know what to do,

Alex on the other hand came back some days ago but he left again, she always wondered if all this travelling was really business, he didn't tell her, he didn't even tell his own mother.

She had just done the laundry and left the clothes out to dry,

Jacob was with Fred, nowadays he was always staying at home, he only went to work sometimes,

But she would never ask him, why should she after all it was his life,


"You're still holding a grudge against me, you still don't want to talk", he said his eyes looking at her.

She turned around to find him staring at her, his eyes hard, his jaw tightened, he looked angry,

"We have said all we wanted to say",

"Really you think so?" He asked, she nodded,

"Firstly you lied to me", he said,

"What I didn't lie", I said,

"No you did, about Fred I know the truth", he said her heart was beating faster, what did he know she thought,

"Fred is not Alex son",

"Yes he is"

"No he isn't",

"How, what do you mean?"

"Alex is not Fred's father, you lied', he can't be a father,

She stood wide eyes staring at him, she was scared, did he find out that Fred was his son, how did he, what if he is just assuming, she had to make him believe,

"Who told you that, you were fooled, Alex is my husband and the father to my son",

He gritted his teeth, staring hard at her as she tried to lie her way out but he knew everything and all her blabbing could not stop this truth, meanwhile all his accusations was making her angry,

"What are you insinuating, that I cheated on Alex, for your information i and Alex got married three years ago after you left and it all led to Fred is it impossible", she asked him,

"I wouldn't just assume all this, but Fred birth is very suspicious",

"I don't understand you, what is suspicious, is it me giving birth to Fred or what?" She asked puzzled, tears already clouding her eyes,

"You got married to Alex four months after I left,  and you gave birth to Fred three months later, how is that possible, except you were cheating on me when we were dating or that Fred is actually my child",

The last statement made her heart race fast, tears ran down her face as she looked away from him, he knew the truth,

"Talk to me" he said waiting for her to talk,

"I cheated on you", she confessed, her eyes on the ground,

"You are lying to me, you never cheated, you are a very faithful person", he held her shoulders but she didn't look up at him, after finding a little courage she looked back up,

"I did cheat, I was seeing Alex while we were dating",

"You are still lying, come on babe come clean, I know the truth, I know that both you and Alex has never had sex ever since you got married, she couldn't help but look away, he does not even like you talk less of love, he rarely even think of you as a woman, he just married you as a way to cover up his secret, your marriage is of convenience",

"You both lied to everyone, you used this marriage to hide the pregnancy and Alex used it to hide his secret",

Secret, what secret? Was Alex hiding, he had never once mentioned why he just married a pregnant girl and gave her child his name, he always avoided the topic in all her frantic effort to no avail, she had given up about finding out the truth especially with his cold behavior,

"Did he not tell you", Jacob asked his eyes questioning her, her face showed confusion, so Alex did not tell his wife, why he actually married her, as he peered at her he wondered if she was really that gullible,

'What is it?" She asked her gaze focused on him, curiosity prominent.

"Alex was very sick at a time in his life well to cut the long story short, Alex is sterile, and five years ago even before you met he had a vasectomy, we have been friends for a long time and I know the truth when you told me he was Fred's father, I thought it was true, I had forgotten but few days ago when I was with Fred I remembered", he said looking at her,

"Alex had a vasectomy", she mumbled,

"Why didn't you tell me the truth, I have a son and you chose to hide this from me, didn't you think it was important if I met him, I know all that has happened between us and I understand that it would have been hard for you but I deserved to know".


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