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In the past few days, things were finally changing, she was not avoiding him anymore because now they could talk freely also Fred was getting a lot closer with Jacob, it worried her a bit but she got past it, it was normal for children to be attached to people who spent time with them, in the midst of all that was happening someone was not happy,

"I'll leave this house if you continue all this", Lizzy threatened, they had been having a sought of misunderstanding,

"I am not holding you, you can go, after all you have enough to take care of yourself," he yelled back,

"Don't threaten me, Jacob"

"I'm not", he replied,

She angrily stomped out, and joined Sophia outside where she was hanging out the washed clothes,

Lizzy groaned making Sophia to look at her, she was sulking,

"What is wrong", Sophia asked,

"Jacob, I think he his cheating",

"What, how", she asked,

"He is always distant and he likes spending time with her",

"Do you know her?" Sophia asked,

Lizzy rolled her "Wait a second, you and Jacob are having an affair", Lizzy blurted her eyes red,

"What? What do you mean? Do you know what you just said?" Sophia asked, she could not believe it, why would she think that, Lizzy folded her arms

"Do you think that I am blind, I see the way you two has suddenly grown close, you did not even talk to him before but now you are closer", Lizzy said,

"Does that mean that we are having an affair?" Sophia asked,

"Duh, but guess what, I will never let you get him he is only mine okay," she walked away, Sophia just stared at her retreating figure, was she talking to Jacob going to ruin Lizzy's relationship, she could not believe Lizzy would think like this,

Things escalated fast in a few days, Lizzy had left the house, Jacob had broken up with her and refused to talk about it, even Alex was surprised, he thought his best friend loved that girl,

And for Sophia she was distraught, she felt like it was her fault, she wished she could do something about it.

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"I just don't understand why they had to break up they have a perfect chemistry", Alex said glancing at Sophia who was in deep thought,

Alex had lied to her, all that Jacob told her was the only thing ringing in her brain as he stood there talking to her,

"I am talking to you", he snapped,

"I'm sorry, I just zoned out", she replied,

"What are you thinking about? I was telling you what Lizzy told me", he said,

"And what is that?" She asked,

"She said you had something to do with it", he said his eyes burning for her reply,

"I don't know what she's talking about, I could I possibly have anything to do with them", she asked,

"Beats me, in her state of insanity, she said you wanted Jacob but that she would never let you have him",

What Alex just said made her heart race even faster than it was already, was her relationship with him really that obvious that even Lizzy noticed,

"Stop that, Alex yelled, I hate it when you do that, I'm talking to you and you are busy ignoring me, what are you thinking, are you really with Jacob", he asked angrily,

"Alex, I have nothing to do with him", she looked away,

"Really because anytime I talk about Jacob you always get lost in your thoughts", he yelled,

"That does not mean anything", she said as calmly as she could,

"So I don't mean anything to you but Jacob does right?"

"Why are you constantly bringing him into this argument, I have nothing to do with him", she said,

"You are a liar', he gritted his teeth and held her tightly,

"Alex let go of me, stop you are hurting me"

"I think Lizzy was right, she was in her right senses when she told me about the both of you"

"She is crazy, it is not true",

"Stop lying to me, come on, come to think of it, I notice the way you both look at each other and how Jacob always talks about you, even when we go out together, you have been having an affair in my own house', he yelled finally leaving her,

"I have always been faithful to you from the day we got married even though you do not consider your wife, how could you think that of me",

"How can I not, you got pregnant by some man and it has been years since you did it and since I don't even think of intimacy, you went out to sleep with other men and my best friend",



"Why are you acting this way, you promised to forget all this', she yelled back tears forming in her eyes,

"Well I can't, tell me did you not sleep with him", he asked, anger boiled in her blood, she was crying but it was all the anger,

"Stop calling me a liar, you married me when you knew I was pregnant with another man's child, and even though you wouldn't come close to me, I accepted it but this accusations, I can't take it, you keep calling me a liar, you are the liar, you refused to tell me the real reason that you married me, if you told me I would have taken it lightly, how could you?"

"What are you talking about", he asked, eyes wide,

"I Know your secret, the reason you married me to hide, you are infertile, you underwent a vasectomy, you lied, you are the liar",

He was shocked as she told me, he had managed to hide it for years so why now did it come out,

"How do you know", he voiced,

That is not the major issue, since we are confessing, I'll tell you the truth now, Fred's father is no other person than Jacob",

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