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The tears refused to stop no matter how hard she tried, fortunately Fred had fallen asleep without noticing her crying,

She ran her hands through the sleeping boy hair, he was snoring lightly, he looked so calm and peaceful right now, she wished her heart was like that but it was the opposite, it was full of storm and violent winds of pain.

She recalled how she had got close to Alex and how they got married,

I was walking on the road aimlessly, I was actually tired of crying but the crying seemed to never stop, I am just eighteen and here I am carrying a baby the father of this child was nowhere to be found, he was gone, he just left me, I have looked around asked everyone related to him, no one seems to know where he is, my mother died few years ago and my father disowned me and sent me packing after the news of my pregnancy, for two days now I have been walking aimlessly, I have nowhere to go to, no one wants to help me.

In my thoughts I could hear screams and shouting,

"Leave the road", "stop, is she dead?" suddenly my eyes were closed, I felt hands lifting me but I could not tell or even see who it was, I woke at the hospital, a man was staring at me, he was Alex we talked and talked and he promised to take care of me, he suggested that we got married to make my pregnancy look legitimate, I asked him what he wanted in return, he said he just wanted a wife, we got close and eventually got married, after the marriage he was still nice and all he supported me even till after Fred was born, Although he still treated Fred like his son, he suddenly changed towards me, when I asked about our intimacy,

He changed, but he refused to say anything to me, he lied to me,

Am I really upset with him I don't know, he saved me in my time of need, he has always supported me but all that seems to be crumbling, even with him treating her in a bad way, he had always been Fred's father figure, it was all based on lies and Jacob he had left her, he abandoned her but now he was back her feelings was resurfacing and she knew it, anytime she saw him there was always a hidden excitement, what was she to do.

A car drove into the compound, she looked out the window, it was Jacob's car , she quickly ran downstairs just as he was about to enter the house,

"Hey be careful", he said as she almost fell,

"I'm sorry", she said looking at him,

"Do you want something", he asked when her eyes were still glued to his,

"Y yes u want to talk, I want us to talk", she told him,

"Okay? But where", he asked,

"Let's go to chef ki Cafe", she said,


They arrived, she ordered for a bottle of coke but Jacob didn't order anything, he had been wondering what she wanted to talk about,

She roamed her eyes around and finally came back to him, he sat relaxed but staring at her intensely, he was invading her privacy as if searching for something, as if searching for her very soul,

She squirmed in her seat, the way he looked at her made her uncomfortable, she coughed, he jerked a bit and came out from whatever that was,

"You wanted to talk?' He asked,


"About what",

"A about us"

"And what about us", she gulped, and picked up her cola, she drank her throat was patched,

"I have been thinking about everything you told me and I have no doubt that you lied, everything is true",

He sighed his eyes not wavering,

"I'm sorry, for not informing you about your son, I just thought I needed to cover it all up",

"I understand",

"I don't want us, our relationship to be strained, but I Also don't want to go back to my past, I want us to be just friends"

"Just friends?"

"Yes and I want you to be Fred's second father but Alex is his legitimate father",

"Do you think it will all work out the way you want it to?" Jacob asked,

"I believe so' she looked away, there was silence between them but her phone ringing broke it,


"Babe how are you",

"I'm fine, this one that you decided to call me hope all is well",

"Yes oh, you know I have been so busy that is why I did not have the time to call you"

"Okay oh, what's up"

"I wanted to tell you that the wedding has been fixed next month", Lilian said, Sophia could literally see her best friend blushing

"Oh my God, I am so happy, really",

"Yes, that is all"

"Don't worry I am coming over as soon as I can",

"Please do oh, see you later then",


She smiled and faced Jacob back, he was drinking her coke,

"Hey order yours",

"Sorry, I just wanted to have a thirst"

"It's fine",

"Who was that? you looked so happy",

"Oh it is my friend Lily, do you remember the thin one",

"Uhmm yes I think I do"

"Well okay, she told me that she is getting married next month",

"Wow congrats to her, I have not seen her in a long time, I know she would have changed a lot"

"And how do you know that",

"Because you have also changed, you were a bit leaner before and now look at you, see your cheeks",

"Are you saying that I am fat', she frowned

"No no just a little chubby', he laughed,

"Seriously," she frowned but he only laughed more he found it funny, she couldn't help but smile too as they left to go home, she wondered if everything had fallen in place, she was tired of this drama in her life that seems to never stop.

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Bae ❤️

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