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It had been nearly two weeks since Jacob and his fiance, who Sophia later knew as Lizzy short for Elizabeth, the lady was such a busy body, she did not sit down for long always walking about and touching things, she wondered why Jacob would go for her, the reason was obvious, Lizzy was as tall as a model, slim, she had the frontal package, she was beautiful but not so intelligent,

Speaking about Jacob, she had tried as much as possible to stay far away from him, they had not had a proper discussion because she was always on the run when she saw him, and not surprisingly he was getting a little too close to Fred, he always had a questioning look any time he looked at Fred, a thought lingered for a long time in his mind, how could she move on so quickly, her child was growing up fast and he wondered when she bore him.

As for Alex who barely came back home, he was always acting like they were the perfect couple in front of his friend and fiancee but it was obvious that all was a lie,

While preparing dinner for the guests, it was evening and they were all back from their different businesses, yes even Lizzy owned a boutique in town, Sophia wondered why her's was different,

"Hi, what are you making?", Lizzy asked, she didn't wait for a response, she just went ahead to look inside the pot,

"Oh my God this smells good and I bet it is yummy", she said, her face still in the food, Sophia was upset, how could she be talking inside a pot of stew,

"You cook so well", she complimented,

"Thank you"

"Seriously I always lick my ten fingers", she said,


"Can I help with anything", she asked,

"Yeah", Sophia looked around, can you wash the onion and cut it, Sophia asked,

"Okay, I'll do it", she quickly did as she was told but started crying few minutes later,

"Why are you crying", Sophia asked,

"I'm just feeling emotional", Lizzy lied, I'll be back, she said before scrambling away, she never cane back to the kitchen that evening, Sophia burst out laughing but her son's laughter was louder, she switched off the cooker, the food was ready, she wanted to see why her son was laughing,

Surprisingly he was with Jacob, who was making a bird origami, and Fred would burst out laughing when Jacob poked it at his face, Fred eyes met Sophia, he smiled widely,

"Mommy see what daddy made",

"See what daddy made", he cried, dragging her towards them, Jacob had stand up looking at her,

"See", Fred showed his mother, 'see what Daddy made", Fred shouted.

Did Fred just call him his father,

"Fred shut up", she shouted at her son, "why would you call a stranger your father, don't you know your father?'

Fred was already crying,

"Your father is at work, don't just call anyone your father", she screamed,

The child was crying,

"Sophia calm down, it o......."

"Please don't interfere", she cut him off,

"Now go to the room and by the time, I'm there I want to see you sleeping, go now", she shouted,

Fred ran to his room,

She did not wish to shout at him but he couldn't just address people the way he wanted,

"Why are you angry, he is just a child and I has asked him to call me that", Jacob said,

'And why would you do that, you are not in any way related to any of us, I would like it if you mind your business", she said,

"Look, you shouldn't just be shouting at a small child like that, it could affect him later", Jacob tried to reason with her,

"Don't you dare tell me how to raise my own child", she said before storming out,

Jacob knew that this was more than mere parenting matter, he still had to talk to her, she was so angry at him, that she barely talked to him talk about looking in his direction,

This was not Sophia, and Fred, whatever this matter is, he was sure to solve it as best as he could.


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