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"Hey check this one out, isn't it lovely?' Lizzy asked Sophia showing her a satin pink dress,

"Yes, I guess, but it looks too long, why don't you leave it", Sophia suggested,

"What no way, I am definitely buying this, I love it", Lizzy chirped, Sophia rolled her eyes, this Lizzy was a strange one, she would ask for opinions and when you gave her, she'd do the opposite,

She could not even understand how she came shopping with Lizzy after all deep inside she had a grudge against her,but she wanted to get out of the house, if not she would have been lonely, Alex mother and Fred had gone out for the day, Alex had not been home for days, Jacob was at wherever he worked, and Lizzy here, she could go to work, anytime she wanted after all she was the boss, and her Sophia no job no nothing, if she had stayed at home she would be so lonely,

"Have you got everything", Lizzy's high pitched voice asked,


"Let's go pay, don't worry I'll pay for both of us", she said eyeing Sophia with pride, Sophia rolled her eyes, it wasn't like she didn't have money, Alex was at least kind enough to send her money every week for her's and the house hold upkeep, and since "Mrs I am too rich too good" wanted to foot the bill, it was fine,

After paying, they walked out with the many shopping bags,

"I've called my love Jacob to come pick us up",Lizzy said,

"What? Why? Where is the car you brought? Why aren't we going in your car?" Sophia asked she didn't want Jacob around her,

"Gosh so much questions, my car has a problem, so I sent it to the mechanic",

"But we can order for an Uber right? Your love might be busy, we shouldn't disturb him", Sophia said trying to change Lizzy's mind,

"Well he's done with work, and............"

A car honked, the two women turned to see Jacob,

"Hi baby", Lizzy walked over to him and they both kissed

Sophia had to stop her self from scrunching  did they really have to do all this in public,

"Come on Sophie, let's go", Lizzy said already getting into the front seat,

Her eyes met with his, he had some type of emotion or thought, but she couldn't understand, so she got into the back seat.

They drove home with Lizzy talking and blabbing,

They had come back and refreshed, while she decided to watch TV, the two love birds came out of their room laughing loudly, she ignored them, they came and sat down to, Lizzy was all over Jacob, feeding him chocolates and calling him sweet names,

Sophia rolled her eyes, suddenly Jacob started to cough maybe he had chocked on the chocolate,

"Get water", Lizzy yelled, Sophia got it and gave her to feed Jacob,

"You should be careful, you shouldn't rush food", Sophia advised, he just stared at her, Lizzy's phone rang, she went to answer, she came back few minutes  later,

"Baby I've got to go", Lizzy said,

"What's up", Jacob asked,

"Something's is happening at the boutique", she said, "bye" she waved before picking her hand bag and going out,

Sophia glued her eyes to the TV as if enjoying the boring program, she could feel his eyes on her, but she looked away,

Why wasn't he leaving,

He stood up and got a bottled water, he drank,

And sat down on the couch that she was sitting in, she scooted a bit,

"Is there anything to eat", he asked,

"Yes in the kitchen", she said, expecting him to stand up and get it, he wasn't moving, she looked at him, he was watching the TV, so she went to the kitchen,

She dished out the food,

"What are you doing", his voice startled her, he walked closer to her,

"You said you wanted food", she said,

"I did not say that, I asked if there was anything to eat", he said,

"Hmm okay, I misinterpreted, I'll go now", she said walking past him but he held her back,

She stared at him, he was still as handsome as he always was, but he had a bit more beards, he still smelled this same, he turned her around so her back was on him,

"Jacob, what is this, let go of me", she said not even moving,

He breathed on her ears and neck, this feeling she liked it,

"You hate me right?" He asked softly, she didn't answer, his hand wrapped around her waist, as he pulled her closer to him,

He kissed her neck down to her shoulders, and she could feel goose bumps on her body, she froze,

He turned her around to meet her eyes, her big beautiful eyes,

Slowly his lips brushed on hers,

His hands travelled lower her waist, he gripped her, and pressed himself more closer to her, ha continued teasing and exploring her mouth until she opened up and began hers, she closed her eyes relieving the times they had spent,she had missed him and as she thought of it the kiss deepened,

His other hand travelled to her top, as he unbottoned, they stopped kissing,

He looked at her breasts, clothed in the bra, the cleavage, he growled,

What is happening to me she asked herself, why am I doing this?

"Mummy see what daddy made", Fred voice rang in her head

Was she going to do this with someone who betrayed her and her son, someone who thought of her as nothing, someone she trusted that left her there,

No no no

"Stop it", she yelled pushing him away,

"Stop", she closed her shirt and walked out.



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