Poultry Man Two: Electric Boogaloo

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Xisuma grins, he's standing in the shopping district, facing Xb, "You get another prize, you beat the chicken game so many times, you have earned this."

Xb looks over and grins, "Really?"

"Yep, you must wear this until your next respawn," Xisuma laughs as he hands over a chicken mask. It's like a masquerade mask.

Taking the mask Xb shrugs and puts it on, "Hm, with how you said that I thought you would have put a curse of binding on it."

"Not this time," Xisuma explains, "Oh and don't kill any chickens with it on."

"Ok? I don't know what's happening," Xb admits with a nervous smile.

"It's fine just be nice to the chickens," With that Xisuma grins and takes off, "Have fun."

Waving as the admin flies off, Xb adjusts his new mask and continues on his way. It's a few days later when he runs into Grian.

"Xb, where did you find that?" Grian asks motioning to the mask.

"Xisuma gave it to me. I beat his chicken game so he gave it to me," Xb explains, as he nervously pushes the mask up, "Is something wrong?"

Grian shakes his head, "No, no, everything is fine."

Nodding Xb picks his shulker up and wanders off in the direction of the Red Zone.

As he walks away Grian shudders slightly, "I hope it's fine," He continues to the barge as he worries, "Let's just hope he's not here,'' Grian frowns, he takes off and flies towards Xisuma's base.

When he arrives, Xisuma runs out to meet him, "What can I do for you?"

"You gave Xb a chicken mask?" Grian asks nervously.

"I did," Xisuma confirms with a nod, "It didn't summon him, did it?"

"Not yet," Grian mutters, "Just be prepared if he does show, he's not going to be happy that Xb is impersonating him."

"What would he do?" Xisuma asks, starting to regret giving him the mask.

"Most likely, chicken bomb his base," Grian explains.

"Grian, I am so sorry," Xisuma says, concern filling his eyes.

"Naa, it's fine, I'm just worried about Xb."

Nodding Xisuma in agreement, "I'll pull a tab up so I can monitor his code."

"Thanks, X I suama Void."

"No problem, Grain."

Grian laughs as he jumps off the platform and shoots a rocket off. Waving he calls back, "Be careful around chickens."

"I will."

As Xb lands on the roof of the barge, he rubs at the mask. Over the few days he's been wearing it it's gotten more and more uncomfortable. He grumbles slightly as he hops down to get some dirt.

As he's looking around Ren pops in, "Hey Poultry Man."

"Who?" Xb asks, confused as he shudders slightly, he feels some sort of energy pass through him.

Ren's face drops a bit, "Sorry right you weren't there for that, Poultry Man was a superhero last season. He had a chicken mask and a trench coat. He was the protector of chickens and had chicken-related powers."

"Ohh," Xb murmurs, "You, though I was the Poultry Dude because of the mask."

"Yeah," Ren laughs, "It was pretty funny when he was on the server."

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