Mob Hermits

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The sounds of yelling and screaming draws Welsknight towards the coast. He'd been working on Welsmart, toiling day and night to get it finished, but there was no way he could concentrate now he'd noticed it. I'll just see what's happening, then I'll go back to work, he tells himself as he stows his pick in his inventory. The noise isn't far so he walks over, humming a peppy tune. Turning the corner, he is caught off guard by False sprinting past him, laughing and screaming.

"Run Wels!" She yells over her shoulder, but he was too slow.

A snowball hits him in the face, spraying him with freezing crystals that lodge in his helmet and make him shiver.

"What the...?" He ducks under another, looking up to see a grinning Grian and a smirking Scar, both hefting snowballs in their hands. Grian bounces one in his hand a couple of times, then suddenly throws it with tremendous force. It whizzes past his head and smacks into someone just behind him, a slightly muffled 'hey!' telling him just who it was and draws a fit of cackles from the two troublemakers.

Xisuma jogs forward, white mush sliding from the brownish-red visor of his strider helmet.

The Admin pulled out ammo of his own; slimeballs and pelted them with it, machine-gun speed more than making up for his lack of accuracy. The two retreated right to the water's edge and pulled out shields, holding their ground as X got closer and closer.

Wels gave a low chuckle and immediately regretted it. Stridersuma turned, distracted, and that gave the opportunity for Grian and Scar to grab a hold of the man, and with their combined strength; his armor is heavy, chuck him in the water.

Unexpectedly, Xisuma lets out a piercing screech as the water permeates his suit and he disappears. The three stare at the place where he'd been only moments ago. Then Grian shrugs, high-fives Scar, and pulls out his snowballs again, aiming for Wels this time.

"Oh no, you don't!" The knight mutters and sprints off. How did X disappear like that? He thinks, looking around for the Admin. He scans the shopping district multiple times but in the end, he gives up, hoping that Xisuma is alright.

One second he's in the water, every nerve shrieking in agony – the next, he was laying on top of a building about twenty blocks away; the last place he had looked before those two idiots had thrown him in. He groans, nauseous from the sudden change. What was happening to him? He is willing to brush off the slightly more purple than normal eyes and his stronger desire to be in the End as a side effect of using too much void magic; even though he barely uses it anymore, but, teleporting out of water that burned him when he touched it? Not normal. At all. And then there was Grian and Scar – they'd been hanging out together in a Taiga biome a lot lately; a Taiga biome that was far, far away from anyone's base, let alone theirs. The two went there once and now they barely left! It was way too weird, to be a coincidence.

The Admin sits up, the nausea easing a little. Banishing the thoughts from his mind, he instead concentrates on trying to remember how his feet work. After a few failed attempts, he manages to move enough to deploy his elytra, and from there it was plain sailing as he flies; admittedly lopsided, through the Overworld towards his base. He wasn't going to even try the Nether portals – he'd throw up for sure. He needs to get to his admin panels.

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