Creeper Magnet

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"Dude, Creepers keep following you," Jevin laughs as he nervously inches back further away from the entrances to the Stand-Off Arena.

"I know they've been doing it for a few weeks now, and I can't figure it out," Impulse groans as he knocks one of Jevin's armor stands out.

"It's probably a bug, you should probably mention it to Xisuma some time," as he says this he grins.

Impulse clicks his tongue, "I will, I'll see if they keep showing up first though."

Jevin nods, "That makes sense... also, that's one more of your stands down."

As the two continue playing a couple more creepers show up. Thankfully they are dealt with without any major consequences. It still leaves the question just why are creepers following him around.

By the end of the first round of the Stand-Off competition, Jevin had won but Impulse wasn't too torn up about losing.

The pair hang around and talk for a while longer. Jevin jokingly suggests the bright yellow creeper on his shirt is the reason for all the creepers showing up.

Impulse laughs it off, saying they're just lucky he's not wearing a green shirt, but something nags in the back of his head.


Impulse rushes into his base. There's another creeper following him. This one was in the nether for some reason. Probably had fallen in a portal after chasing after some poor hermit. By this point impulse is getting fed up, there had been about ten creepers following him over the course of two days.

Turning around he swiftly pulls his Sword out and deals with the creeper. Rolling his eyes he gathers the supplies he needs to gather leaves and sets out to find a faraway forest.

He finds it no problem, but he didn't account for the number of creepers showing up, at this point, he notices something odd. When the creepers start walking after him they aren't acting aggressively at all just passively following him around.

Now his confusion grows into mild concern. He's seen creepers acting similarly around Doc. Who is a Creeper.

"I'm calling Xisuma," He decides, muttering to himself. As he calls he starts to pace, "Hey, Xisuma."

"Impulse, what can I do for you?" The admin replies happily.

"I think there may be a bug, creepers keep following me around. It's weird though, they aren't acting aggressive or anything."

Xisuma hums, "That is odd, I'll look through your code and see if anything is wrong."

"Thanks, you're a lifesaver."


He complains about this to Tango and Zedaph.

It turns out that there's nothing wrong with Impulse's code and after checking the creepers code Xisuma decides it's completely normal.

Impulse is getting increasingly frustrated with all of the creepers. They haven't broken anything or tried to attack him so he's started leaving them alone and just flying away whenever they get too close.

As he works on replacing his floor with glass yet another creeper shows up and starts following him around watching quietly as he works. Impulse hurries to finish.

Looking over the pristine glass floor Impulse grins only to be reminded of the creepers present with a starling nonaggressive hiss. Startled Impulse jumps up and flies off towards Tango's base.

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