Mumbo man, Mumbo man, does what ever a Bumbo can

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Rain patters against the rooftops, "Thanks Mumbo," Doc grins, "You didn't have to come to help out."

"It's fine, you've got a lot of cool stuff left over from last season," Mumbo laughs.

"We're the HIB, don't mess with Area 77," Doc jokes, pulling a box out, "Oh, this was a fun experiment."

"What was it?" Mumbo asks as they open the box.

"It's a set of arms, they're kind of like tentacles. Scar helped me make them. It's a pretty interesting machine, they react to your impulses," As Doc explains he hands the backpack-like machine to Mumbo, "Why don't you try that on?"

As Mumbo worms, his arms into the harness Doc makes a few quick adjustments to the arms. Four separate arms are all connected at the base of a thin metal plate. As the metal touches Mumbo's jacket he stiffens when one of the arms twitches.

"Doc, this is really cool," Mumbo grins, in his excitement the tentacle arms wave around.

"Oh, I forgot about that," Doc murmurs, "The arms will react to your emotions as well as impulses."

Mumbo's eyes go wide as one of the arms almost knocks a box off the desk, the arm lets out a soft beep when it gets close to the box, "Sorry."

"It's fine, we should move this outside though," Doc muses.

Looking at the light rain Mumbo shrugs and steps outside.

"Ok, catch this," Doc gently tosses an empty bottle at Mumbo, who as expected tries to protect his face from the glass bottle.

One of the arms worms around and grabs the bottle in its claw, "Woah, that's awesome," Then the glass shatters.

Doc grins and walks behind Mumbo he carefully tweaks a small wire on the arms, "You see the claws, when you grab something a light should flick on and stop you from squeezing any tighter."

Gently running his fingers down the arm Mumbo attempts moving them, he's managing pretty well until lightning cracks in the distance. One of the arm jerks up, "Ow," Mumbo rubs his forehead and laughs.

"Do you want to try something else?" Doc asks as he sets up four boxes on the ground, at Mumbo's eager box he continues, "I want you to reach into all the boxes at the same time and pull one thing out from each one."

Mumbo sits in front of the boxes and carefully reaches in and pulls the different items out. It takes a few tries to pull four items out. After dropping a few things and at one point accidentally flinging something across the garden.

Both Mumbo and Doc are laughing by this point, a hiss from behind makes both freezes. Doc pulls his trident out and hisses back at the charged creeper. The creeper stops momentarily before hissing louder. Doc throws his trident a second too late.

The creeper explodes, Mumbo screams the arms wrapping protectively around him. As the smoke clears Doc rushes over to Mumbo, he's lying face down.

Doc nearly gags when he sees Mumbo's back. The arms connective plate has melted and partially disintegrated. The arms themselves are still on his back and they are twitching softly. Mumbo groans in pain before bursting into smoke.

The arms disappear with him. The bits of remaining connective metal fall to the ground. Doc rushes around shoveling Mumbo's items into a chest.

DocM77: Mumbo, are you ok?

Grian: Is everything ok

Xisuma: He's at the world spawn

Xisuma: Do you want me to teleport you over?"

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