
117 1 0

Trigger Warnings
Teeth regrowth

Grim faced the hermits stand at the edge of the platform in the end. It had come time for them to leave season six. Something had happened to the world hop systems so they have to use an old end shuttle. The only problem with this is the recent reports. Others who have traveled have had odd things happening, the crewmembers start behaving odd then a string of murders. When someone gets killed they would respawn and reappear at the last world they were in.

Most people have decided to wait until the world hoping system is back up. Others have turned it into a game. The hermits are risking traveling to a new world. Their own having grown too crowded and is corrupting slightly.

Xb is the last hermit on, as he steps forward a small bug jumps at him, swatting it out of the air Xb frowns momentarily. Rubbing his hand he walks onto the shuttle.

The doors woosh closed behind him. Xisuma smiles at him, "Are you ok?"

"Oh, I'm just a little nervous about the imposter thing," Xb admits.

Smiling beneath his helmet Xisuma replies, "It'll be ok, I won't let anyone get hurt."

Nodding softly Xb sighs, "I feel like something is going to go wrong."

Wels walks over and messes up his hair, "We're all here, what's the worst that could happen?"

Nodding Xb agrees, "Yeah you're right."

With a kind smile Xisuma helps him up and they start walking over to Xb's room in the shuttle, "Go to sleep, we can assign jobs tomorrow."

Nodding Xb rubs his hand and looks around the room. It's fairly small, clean, there's a desk in one corner and a bed on the wall.

As he changes into his pajamas he gets an odd panicked feeling, before it fades he could have sworn he heard something. Brushing it off he repeats what Xisuma had said to himself, " It'll be ok, I won't let anyone get hurt."

Falling asleep he completely buries himself in blankets. The next morning he's woken by a knock at the door.

"You've got fifteen minutes," Keralis calls through the door, "Xisuma is going to give us tasks."

"Thanks," Xb calls back as he wiggles out of his bed.

Yawning he squints at himself in the mirror, something's off. He can't really put a finger on it but something's changed.

As he turns away from the mirror he yawns again. His jaw seems to stretch wider.

Sitting down next to Mumbo in the cafeteria Xb grins, "Hi."

"Hey," Mumbo grins as Iskall wanders over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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