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This was partially inspired by the Jellie got struck by lightning post.

The quiet sound of rain pattering across the rooftops slowly pulls the hermits into sleep. Everything is quiet and peaceful. The rain drips off leaves deep in the jungle and pitter-patters against the concrete of the city. It slides down the Goat statue and creates mud on the ground near the horse stables.

Lightning splits the sky cleaving in two and thunder booms across the landscape. Some hermits wake with a start before falling back into the realms of sleep. Others move further inside to avoid the loud noises. Some rush outside to bring animals in so they don't have to be in the rain.

Doc walks outside to start bringing his animals. His cat winds her way around his ankles as he pulls his torn up lab coat back on, "It'll only take a minute, and then I'll come right back in."

She makes a little murp noise and jumps onto a cabinet watching him and twitching her tail.

As he walks out into the pouring rain Doc looks up at the dark sky. The cool rain feels good on his skin and he takes a moment to just stand as the rain falls all around him.

The air smells sweet and the sound of the waves crashing against the shore adds to the soft serene feeling.

The air seems to crackle with energy as another lightning bolt splits the sky. Doc doesn't seem to notice, and slowly brings his foxes inside.

He lingers outside for a moment too long and the loud crack of thunder accompanied by a bolt of instantaneous lightning. The lighting strikes Doc flowing through his body and switching off his cybernetics. In a daze, Doc disconnects the fried arm and drops it to the ground.

Staring at his plant-like arm the creeper notices something, he appears to be glowing. Not quite knowing what it means he sits against his house and tries to think.

After a moment he hisses and shakes his head not knowing what to do. A quiet memory tugs in the back of his mind. A botched explosion. Kind hands carefully patching him up. Voices teaching him how to speak. His pack. His family.

They could help. Couldn't they? The faint impression of a long tunnel spurs Doc into action. He carefully pads along, not going very fast as he's down a leg and walking on two legs just isn't an option right now. Eventually, he reaches the end of the long tunnel.

Through the heavy rain, it's nearly impossible to see the village clustered at the base of the cliff. Shaking the excess rainwater out of his moss Doc pads his way up to the main house.

He looks at the door for a moment before attempting to push it open. Thankfully it's unlocked and he's able to nudge it open. Limping inside he flops down on the couch and falls asleep.

It's still pouring rain as Bdubs wakes, he yawns and makes his way into the kitchen to get some breakfast. As he walks past the sitting room he stops and looks again. Spotting the glowing creeper he cautiously walks closer to get a better look. Doc is still asleep and still appears to be charged.

"Oh, no, Doc what happened?" Bdubs mutters as he takes in the damage to the creeper's eye and the missing arm. Showing no signs of waking Bdubs leaves the creeper on the couch for the time being. He sends a message to Beef and Etho asking them to come over as soon as possible.

Wandering into the kitchen he makes himself a quick breakfast and starts cutting open a few cocoa pods. He pulls the beans out from inside and starts roasting them. After a few minutes, the bitter smell drifts throughout the house.

The sound of claws on wood can be heard as Doc slowly crawls into the kitchen. He gently bumps Bdubs leg with his head as he curls up in front of the furnace.

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