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Michaels POV

I hate myself with a burning passion in my soul. I'm so mean to everybody. Why am I so mean to everybody? Because everybody has always been mean to me.
My parents.
My brother.
My whole family, to be honest.
The kids at school. No one has ever shown me kindness before.
Except Luke.
Luke. The guy I had bullied for years now.
God, I'm such an asshole.
I've decided that I'm going to change. I'm going to be nicer. Make others feel happy, not shitty.
From now on, I'm going to be kind to everybody.

I hope it pays off.


"Michael why are you so late?!" My dad yells at me in pure fury.

"I- Uh... I was talking to the principal at my school."

"The principal?! Why were you talking to the principal?!"

"Uh... Um.. I... Uh..." I struggle to form a coherent sentence.

"What?! Do you not know English or something? Spit it out."


"Um" I clear my throat. "Me.. And this guy... Got into a fight.." I manage to finally get out.

"You what?" My dad's face transforms into something I've seen multiple times before. "Michael, I have told you multiple times; you do not fight. Lucky that guy didn't kill a pussy like you." My dad's voice is eerily calm.

My heart beats rapidly in my chest, waiting for what's to come. My father walks closer to me, raising his right hand, before quickly lowering it to my face, slapping me harshly. My mouth remains shut, as my head whips to the side. My dad pushes me to the floor, and kicks me in the stomach multiple times. "SEE?! YOU'RE TOO WEAK TO FIGHT BACK. NOW STAND UP, AND GO TO YOUR ROOM, YOU LITTLE BITCH." Tears well up in my eyes as I run up the stairs, and into my room. I throw myself onto my bed, and let myself break. For, I know that if I don't right now, alone, I will at school tomorrow. But I'm not guaranteed no break-downs. I don't even have any friends. Maybe if I'm nice to Luke and Calum, they'll accept me.


Just don't fuck it up.


I walk into the school building, anxious to attempt befriending Luke and Calum. I just want a friendship of sorts. I'm tired of being completely lonely. In front of me, I see Luke and Calum walking with each other.
"H-hey.. Luke?.. C-Calum?" I manage to get out. I can almost feel the nervousness showing on my face. Both turn around, Luke with a completely unreadable expression. And Calum.. I don't want to look at him. It hurts.

"What do you want?" Calum speaks first, glaring at me. My gaze goes to him, and I almost cry out of guilt right then and there.

"I... I just want t-to say how s-sorry I am about b-being such an as-asshole to you g-guys..." Calum's hard eyes soften a bit as he looks me over. Luke looks at me with an almost concerned expression.

"Michael, are you okay?" Luke asks. I look up at him with sad eyes, and nod. No, I'm not actually okay, but I'm trying. It's all I can do not to completely break down right here. I try to swallow the forming lump in my throat.

"Hey, Michael. We're here, okay? You can tell us if something's up." Calum assures me. I feel tears about to fall from my eyes. This wasn't how this was supposed to go.

"Michael, what's wrong?" That comes from Luke, who is now taking small steps towards me. He lifts his hand, about to touch me, but my mind flashes back to my dad, and I flinch.

"Please don't hurt me." I say quietly, my eyes squeezed shut, as I await the punch or slap that is to come.

"Michael.." Calum is walking towards me. I fall to the ground, and push myself back, unable to stop the thoughts swirling my mind.

They're just like your father.

They hate you.

They're going to hurt you just like him.

My hands shield my face, and I crouch, trying to protect myself.

"Michael, we're not going to hurt you."

"Why would we hurt you?"

"I'm- I'm sorry for being such an asshole, please let me go, don't hurt me. I just wanted friends." I say, my voice panicked.

"Michael, calm down. It's okay. We're not going to hurt you." Tears are flowing down my face, as I curl up in a ball, bringing my legs to my chest.

"I'm sorry." I sob. And it's the ugly kind of sob. The one with snot everywhere, and tears that just won't stop. And I'm doing it in front of two guys who I barely know.

"Michael, what happened?" Luke asks, worry filling his tone.

"M-m-m-my d-dad he-he uh he...." I'm cut off by my own loud sobs. Calum and Luke move toward me, each putting a comforting hand on my back and shoulder.

"What did he do, Michael?"

"H-he" I hiccup "l-last night.. He hit me.." I curl myself more into a ball, and stop only when I feel pain etch its way through my abdomen from when my father kicked me last night.

"Has... Your dad done that before, Michael?" I shakily nod my head. My whole body is trembling, and I just want someone to hold me.
I don't want to be alone anymore.
I crave human contact.
As if they heard my thoughts, both of the boys put their arms around me. "Hey.. It's gonna be okay, alright? If he ever does something like that again, just call or text us, Kay?"


"Give me your phone." I hand Calum my phone, and he begins typing in a bunch of numbers. He hands the phone to Luke who does the same.

"You're our friend now. We're here. You're not alone." Luke hands me back my phone.

"Thank you. I can't tell you how thankful I am." I choke out, and continue crying, even though I don't feel completely alone anymore.

"Shh it's okay, Mikey. It's all gonna be okay." Luke says, creating a new nickname for me.

This wasn't how I expected the day to turn out.. But I'm glad it ended up like this.

I don't feel so alone anymore.

Heyyyy guys! How're you liking the story? This is literally angst in a WATTPAD novel tbh..
Tell meh what you think of the story

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