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Luke's POV

I sit at home, on my bed, in a ball. Tears are running down my face. My mom's taking me to see my psychologist, Alex again. Seeking comfort, I call Calum.
"Luke." He breathes out.
"Can.... Can you and Ashton and.. And Mikey come over? And like sleep over?.. You d-don't have to if you don't wanna b-but yeah....."
"Of course, Lukey. Let me call Ash and Mikey, okay?"
"Okay." I say, feeling a little better.
"Mum?" I walk down the stairs to my mum.
"Yeah sweetie?"
"Can Cal, Ash, and Mikey come over?"
"Yeah, of course... Hey, don't forget to take your meds tonight, okay?"
I nod once.
Within a few minutes, the doorbell rings, and Calum, Ashton, and Mikey are standing at the door. I run into their arms, and hug them tightly. "Thank you so much for coming. I love you all." I look up at Ash. "Did you tell them?" I whisper quietly into his ear. He nods in response. "Thank you."
"Okay what do y'all wanna do?" I ask them after pulling away from the hug.
"We should watch a scary movie!" Michael suggests.
"Mmmm... No." I reply. "Too much."
"What about mean girls?" My eyes widen at the suggestion from Michael.
"Yesyesyesyesyes a million times yes!"
"Okay, Lukey boy. Let's do it." That comes from Ashton.
I pull the movie up on Netflix, and sit between Ashton and Michael with Calum sat behind me. "Thank you guys for coming over. It really means a lot." I say drowsily, near asleep.
"Not a problem Lukey boy. Just go to sleep." Ashton says softly. I nod my head, and drift off into a world of darkness.

Ashton's POV

"..... just go to sleep." Luke falls asleep very soon after I tell him it's okay, and honestly, he looks adorable.
"What time is it?" Calum says, yawning.
"Time for you to get a watch." Michael retorts.
"Time for you to get a new joke." Calum replies.
"bro.." Is all Michael replies with.
"It's 2:30 by the way." I say, cutting into the conversation.
"So, Michael.. Tell me about yourself. I haven't really gotten to know you." I say, smiling. His eyes fall to the floor below him and he stumbles over his words.
"Uh-I-um... Well, t-the.... M-my.. Uh I-I'm sorr-sorry.."
"Sorry? Sorry for what? You didn't do anything." I reply.
"No I-I just.. S-stutter a lot a-and y-yeah
"Nothing to apologize for, bro." I smile at the nervous boy. "What's your favourite band?"
"Ye-yeah, I guess.."
I'm about to reply when Luke begins to thrash in his sleep. "Nonono" my face turns to Mikey, who is looking at Luke with concern etched onto his face.
"Lukey?" Calum says, now awake.
"No please I'm sorry... d-don't... n-no stop!"
"Luke!" I yell, and tap him on the shoulder. Tears are flowing steadily down his face.
"STOP" Luke screams, and shoots up into a sitting position, his eyes wide open, frantically searching the room for any sign of danger.
"Lukey..." I whisper calmingly. He looks at me, his face crumbling, fear filling every one of his features. He falls into my arms, sobbing. "Shh. What happened?" He simply shakes his head. As close as I am to Luke, there are still things I don't know about.
I kiss his forehead, still shushing him.
"G-guys?.. Can I talk to him? L-like alone?" Calum and I share a look before deciding that, yes, he can.
"Yeah, of course." I reply, and hand Luke to Michael. He snuggles up to him, and closes his eyes. Calum and I walk out of the room, leaving them to be alone.


Luke snuggles closer to me, as i nuzzle my nose into his hair.
"So, what was your nightmare about?" Luke whimpers before looking up at me.
"M-my s-step d-dad" my mind begins to wander as he continues.
"He used to.... Used to... Hurt m-me."
"No... Are you serious?"
"Why would I lie a-about something like t-that.?"
"No, I believe you. Just.. Why would anyone ever want to hurt you? You're so amazing." Luke's shoulders begin to shake again.
"Heyy... Calm down. It's okay." I say Trying to calm him. "Do you want Ashton and Calum to come out here?"
"ASH, CAL. YOU CAN COME OUT NOW." Both of the boys walk out, and rush to the couch, cuddling us.
That night, we fall asleep cuddled as a whole.

I think everything's going to be okay.

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