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"Penguin, get up. We're home." Michael's angelic voice lures me from my dreams. I sit up, and open my eyes, groaning. "Everything alright, Lukey?" Calum asks.
"Mmm.. Head still hurts."
"Aw baby, c'mere." Ashton says, pulling me out of the car, and carrying me to the door. I close my eyes, and snuggle further into his chest. Calum helps Michael out of the car, and they follow closely behind us. Ashton rings the doorbell, adjusting his hold on me. I hear the door open, and my mom greeting us, before opening the door more, and asking why I'm being carried.
".... Headache." Is all I catch of Ashton's sentence, As I wasn't paying much attention.
"Ahh. He gets those damn migraines whenever he's really stressed. Let me grab some Excedrin" (A/N Excedrin is like Advil, but is a lot stronger and better for migraines) My mom exits the room, and I whimper at the increasing pain in my head. "Shh, Lukey. It's alright. Your mom's getting medicine." Calum comforts, beginning to massage my head. I groan, and sit up, holding my head in my hands. "Agh it hurts." I yell. My stomach begins to turn as the pain becomes dizzying.


"Liz!" Ashton yells.
"Coming." She calls back.
She comes running in the room, a pill and a bottle of water in her hand. "You alright, baby?" She asks, taking Luke in her arms. He sniffles and shakes his head "it hurts."
"I know, baby. I know. Let's take this medicine, alright? He nods, and lifts his head from her shoulder. She hands him the pill and water, running her hand through his hair while he takes them.
"Hey, boys, why don't you go home? I think Lukey here needs some rest, and so do you, Michael. How do you feel?"
"I-I'm alright. I feel a lot better." Liz nods.
"That's good to hear. Do you guys need rides home, or can you drive yourselves?"
"We can drive ourselves, thank you though." I reply. "Leggo." I say to Michael and Ashton, seeing that Luke is already asleep on his moms shoulder. "Tell Luke we said bye! Bye, Liz."
"Bye, boys. Have a nice night!"
"Will do, Ms.Hemmings. See you soon!" Michael says as we exit.

********skipping car ride & ashtons departure Bc I'm too lazy to write it heh********

"Alrighty, Michael. Welcome to my humble abode." I say as we enter my house.
"Hey, I just wanna thank you for letting me stay with you. I know I was an asshole, but yeah.. Thanks."
"No problem, Mikey."

"Hey mom," I say, entering the kitchen. "This is Mikey. He's the one who's gonna be staying with us for a while." My mom smiles, and shakes his hand "Hello, Michael. You can call me Joy."
"H-hi J-Joy. Nice t-to meet y-you." My mom smiles fondly at Michael, who's blushing because of the stuttering.
"We're just gonna go to my room." I inform my mom.
"Alrighty." I start to walk up the stairs with Mikey when my mom says something else. "Hey, so I met a guy, and he's gonna come over... I think you'll like him a lot. He's in a band, and plays drums, and he's really funny."
"Oh, alright. When's he coming over?"
"In about an hour..."
"Calm down, Calum. It's fine. He's cool. You'll like him."
".....okay... Let's go, Mikey..." Michael looks up from the floor shyly. "Looks like we'll be meeting a potential stepdad tonight. Hope he's cool." Michael nods. "Yeah. But, dude.. He plays drums in a band! That's awesome!"
"I know!"..."it's just kind of weird, ya know?. My moms got a boyfriend guy now.."
"Yeah. I get it."
"CALUM, MICHAEL. HE'S HERE." I take a deep breath.
"Lets do this."

**********at LUKES house*********

(3rd person)

"Mom it hurts."
"I know, baby. I know. Calm down. Deep breaths." Luke whimpered at the pain in his head. Luke's nap didn't last very long, as the pain became quite unbearable.
"I want Ashy.. Mommy I want ashy."
"Okay, baby. Let me call him. Alright?" Luke nods, tears running down his face. "Okay." Liz walks into the kitchen, phone in hand, calling Ashton.
"Hi, Ash. It's Liz."
"Oh! Hey, Liz! What's up? Is everything  alright?"
Liz sighs "uh.. No, not really... Can you come over? I understand if not.. He's just really anxious and his head hasn't stopped hurting."
"Of course, Liz. I'll be over immediately."
"Alright. Thank you, Ash."

********while Liz was talking to ash********

Luke sits on the couch, his head in his knees, with tears falling from his eyes. Suddenly, there's a tapping on the window. Luke looks up with wide, frantic eyes. He slowly stands, walking towards the window hesitantly. Luke gulps as the tapping ensues again. He reaches his arm out, pulling the curtain from the window. His eyes widen at the sight. "AAAAAHHHHH MOMM P-PLEASE COME HERE. NO"
"Luke?? What's wrong? Hang on, Ash... Yeah, I'll keep you updated. Come on over."
Luke looks at his mom in fear.

"He's back.
Mom he's back."

(A/N) sooo cliffhanger? I guess heh mwahahahahahaha
Who do you think is at his house?
Whaddya think about cals moms BF guy?? Lol update soon

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