Bound by chains | Hector x reader Angst

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Oh how you begged for death now. It didn't matter at this point, did it? Nah, course it wouldn't. You were taken away from your friends, the only people who made you feel safe. Yet here you are, tugged by a thick collar like some fucking animal to be trained. It's been about what? A week? Month? You couldn't even remember your self. All you knew was that you were a toy for one of the sisters and that was it. You didn't do what they forced you to do most of the time, you were covered in many of scars, though you didn't seem to have a care in the world. Nor hope that you're friends would find you gone..

The leash was yanked hard and you choked as you gasped for air. " --UcK!" You spat out and panted hard. "Finally out of that frame of set pet. " This vampire had fluffy black hair and a accent to make you stay in place. You could feel hell's cold kiss on your s/c shoulders as you looked around the castle. Snow, frosted trees, and a frozen pond were in view. It reminded you of the winter festivals back home..

When things were peaceful. Whilst walking; you covered your figure to hide the embarrassing exposed skin since you have yet to have been blessed with the warm fabrics. After hours of non stop walking, you were returned to the cage which you ate nothing but grapes that would be cut open, scrubbed the fresh liquid on the floor and fed to you. Or water that was so cold you had to throw up. None of it was good. You wouldn't dare to even ask for anything more.
"Lead. Now. " She sternly said as you shook the lead to your collar through.

Your eyes lit up. Now was your chance. The door wasn't locked. You grabbed the lead and headbutted her and flipped her while grabbing the lead as hard as you could to choke her. But oh how naive you were, for you knew nothing of vampires. She hissed at you and slammed you back with her form. You fell back gracefully into the prickly hey which laid a few spiders or god knows what. Then she rammed her boot into your stomach many times and then yelled at you in a different language as she finished by resting her foot on your face.
" Look at you child. Nothing but frantic to make any move by means and yet, you whimper and submit to my knee. Good child. "
Whimpering was all you felt like doing. You knew it. Today is the day! Death o take me please-

" Striga, she's appered to have arrived. " The ginger vampire, who's voice was calming states to the Vampire who held you down. " Really? Beating the shit out of prisoners are not going to get you what you want. " Striga backed down a bit as the girl followed behind. "Disobeys every fucking command. You make it look so easy. " She locked the door to the cage and looked back sternly. " Stay. " Was all Striga command once she left.


You lay down on the cold stone underneath the naked form. Dirty and grease from your h/l, h/c, hair grew desperately for a ounce or drop of water, hell you'd didn't care if the guard gave it cold. You wanted to feel something. You were bound by chains. Metal ones that were a constant reminder: no one will care if you are missing. You'll just rot and die eventually. You hummed a tune while picking blackened scabs from your skin. Stomach was growling for food at this point. Then a loud clank was heard. A shift in positing as you expected, but something.. Changed?
The similar naked form like yours was being dragged in. Only, he had short silver hair and looked beaten up. A slam from his skin to stone contact made a echoing noise following with the bars closing.

The guard took his or her regular seat in the middle of the room again, but curious were you. You hobbled to the side of the room where the wall connected yours, and the new vistor's to hear anything at all. Silent whimpers and groans came from the voice. You knew how it felt. " O-oi.. " You heard the voice jump but stop for a bit. "Luh-'llo? " You could faintly hear the cracks and rasp in his voice. Even a simple 'hello' was hard to spit out. "Where.. Is this.. "
"Styria I believe. That's what they say.."
"Do they do this a lot? "
"Take random people with important skills in and beat them to fucking death? "

A moment of quiet was heard as a small drop of water fell to the ground.

"Bold of you to assume Im important. " You shifted yourself to where your back faced the cold stone, easing the scratches from nights before. "It's.. Surprisingly warm. " The subject change was fucking awful. You kicked your leg but the chains clinking made it harder. The sweat from the cuffs made you itch. But it was put on you so as to not attack further into the future: if you had one.
"Cellmates.. I guess we are that for now. " He said scoffing, throwing a rock to a squealing noise, assumed to be a rat. "Since we are going to be 'beaten to death' sooner or later, shall we--we introduce ourselves? " You heard him hum and then a sigh. " Yes. I wouldn't mind at all, besides. S'not like anyone is saving us or anything so might as well remember it so we can figure each other's grave or so." He shifted to where he laid down facing the wall that you were leaning against. " Y/n..oh uh sorry. Formal or what not- y/n l/n, its been a while since I've been outside. Except for tonight that is.." A soft giggle was heard between you two then sadness.
"Hector." He replied. " That is my name. "


Days passed and for the sisters it was almost like victory for them. You were used for many things between Striga and her lover. You couldn't tell if she loved you too or not, but nope! It was all for pleasures. It made you confused, a lot. Who did you you truly love, who were you into, it would constantly stab your brain like fucking crazy. But between all that there was Hector. You both managed to find a hole that lead to a lose brick to where you pulled out to see his beautiful baby blue eyes, lifeless. His tan skin reminding you of the blankets that made you feel warm, and his hair was a handsome grey. Messy, just like yours. Hours you would talk, you talked about your life as he did to you. You found out he was a forge master for Dracula alongside another. He told his whole story of how he was tricked and lied to. Walking many a mile to Styria with a collar and leash from Carmilla.

You wanted to hug him. At least if he liked contact that was, you felt that pain when you were taken from a camp during a journey your friends were taking alongside you. It was night as well. And boy you felt like shit after that day. So innocent too, now that's gone. Nothing left but asinine lies to feed you to bed. Whenever someone would come in, you put the brick back in it's place as to not alarm the others. You were a pro at this.

One day you were caught and it pissed the guard of so much. Of course you were punished, taken out of your cell and beaten so hard with many-a-tool they had in stock. When being dragged in you saw Hector fully as did he. He was slemder with scars of whips and scratched similar to yours. You were thrown to the wall, your arm scratched the bar of the gate and had it gushing blood. Gritted teeth followed by a silent curse was all you could handle today.
"I'm sorry.. " He said softly.
"It's not your fault Hector. It was mine. They saw me with the brick-"
"No, I told you to. I didn't expect them to be doing that. " He could hear you bang your head softly on the rusted bars hard and sobbed. It was a dry one too. He reached out the side of the room into yours where his arm appered to have reached to where you could see his fingers. " Hey. I said it's not your fault. Please quit moping. " You hesitated. You couldn't hold his hand. But then you said to yourself  'fuck it' and cried into the bars and holding his hand and arm. You two were alone in Styria. No one knew where you were. No one knew if you were alive. No one knew the chains you were bound to be in.. Forever.

1504 words

This was sort of a ventish thingy but I really didn't know who to choose. Hector came into mind and I just took a shot at it. Let me know if a part 2 should be made. I'm really trying to write more

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