Forgemaster's pet | Lenore x male! reader

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My first one writing in a male perspective! Nice thinking Jseibert1521!! I love this idea so much! I also had it in drafts but wasn't too sure 😫


You were devoted to Dracula's court. Being the third installment of a forgemaster was something you dreamed of. Your kind was nothing more than foolish in each way more than one.

Oh they'll pay alright. Carmilla trusted you because you would look after Lenore, the 4th sister in Stiria. Oh Lenore.. She looked like a princess from a poem you read as a child, elegant and nice. Men would fear her in the castle, but to you, she acted differently. Even around Hector.

"Y/n, please.. Your really teaming up with that whore? " he groaned in thirst, Hector was stripped of everything, what he said filled you with rage, and with that rage, you threw a bucket of scorching cold water onto his pecks.

"You dare say that about lady Lenore, should I go in there Hector, and tear you limb from fucking limb to put you in place as to fulfill such orders from lordess Carmilla? " he dozed off at your booming words, echoing through the cobble stone walls. As soon as he turned about a quarter away from you, you reached for the silver hair and he yelped in agony.

"I will not be made fun of of be thought of less. You and Issac, petty fools, never thought I had power to do your job. "
"You betrayed us all. We trusted you.. Never little-ACK-" you yanked and yelled again but heard a tiny voice.

"What are you doing? It's the morning y/n, and I can't sleep with all this absurd nonsense." Lenore spoke softly, a blanket around her petite pale form in that pale dress.. The cogs in your mind turned. "Apologies mam. I was chatting... " you let got of his clump of hair. "...With an old friend of mine. "


You both walked alongside each other, silent. You were much like Morana, you kept a parental eye on Lenore when no one would, but in your eyes it was for love. "You haven't been violent like that before he arrived y/n. Kinda embarrassing on your end isn't it? " soft red orbs at your e/c ones made your heart melt sappingly. A soft bow and jingles of your suit mimicked in the corridor. "Lady Lenore, he insulted you behind your back, something needed to be done to defend your hono-"

"Proper English y/n." She clicked her tongue against her pearly fangs.

"He was being a dick. " this made her grin to herself as you followed her to her room.

Lenore's pov

Human men were something valuable to me, something that Carmilla would always ignored no matter what sort of chance it was, I could see it when she brought Hector for the first time: hate. Some man tore her apart and she decided to kill him once she took the chance, and now her plan was going to work.

I never really thought about any of that, unlike her I cared for humans but kept it secret.. Something.. Something about them, y/n..he made me feel something a woman-a vampire even has never felt in eons since I could last recall. I ponder and decide to sit on the edge of my bed.
" y/n.."
"M'lady? "
gosh those e/c orbs can be full of curiosity. No, I must not get too enhanced.

"Are you always this formal? It's bit of a hollow persona to keep up for a long time.. " he seemed to flush at the remark and apologize. "I could change my way if that would be ok, ml- Lenore.. "

I ticked.

"Just be yourself! I'm sick and fucking tired of being around so many cold and literally heartless souls! "

I stopped myself from saying further. "Oh.. I see, lady Carmilla decided to do another bogusome plan involving humans? " I nodded and looked at the sky. "It's as if she wants the whole world under her heels, I don't understand why she can't share! " y/n sits next to me and hugs me.. He soon sighs. "Soon all of it will end. I'm not stupid, but I know something will come up sooner nor later. "

My heart.. It heated so fast and my cheeks grew a bit pink. "Blushing are we? I didn't think a terrifying woman like you would be so.. At peace around me. " he wasnt wrong.. My crush has been flowered since his first visit, when he decided to join us after hearing Dracula's genocidal demands. "It's because I feel something around you.. You make me feel as if I'm.. "

"Human? "

My eyes widen. He hit the nail on the coffin.

"Human.. Is that what it all is? " I laugh slowly and tear up while being held by him, his soft head pats soothed me and I felt, different.
"There there, I'm glad you've confessed your seeping heart to me.. You arnt as scary as I'd thought you to be of. "

y/n softly grabs my chin and leans in for a kiss, the plumpness and taste of wine was enchanting, the warmth and the beating of his heart fastened. I feel as if I'm his pet and he is the master now. But it should be the other way!! We parted and he smiles.

"Two vesels. A human and a vampire.. "

"Both wanting peace.. " I said as I messed with his hair. I was happy he stayed with me till the end.. To see his face cry out to me as many months later I'd step into the sunlight. To finally be at peace. For good.

949 words

Sorry this was short. I came back a year later and found out I forgot what I was writing. I deeply apologize as I was so focused on my jjba one shot book. I will update this more!

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