Tresspasing | part 2 | Alucard x Reader

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Requested by LillyCummins_ this will be a interesting journey indeed 😌

  Looking for food nowadays were scarcer than before..

It was now winter, and winter in Walachia was dreadful for anyone to be living on. It was so bad to a point a grey paste of goo was your breakfast, lunch, and dinner, or even a snack to just fill you up. You had enough.

Sure, during the spring time where you met Dracula's son was a complete mishap turned into utter fucking chaos since then. Someone with the utmost audacity put a price on his head and about a small army came out to play, only being left with 5 of them steaked next to the two anonymous skeletons layed there previously and a poor homeless woman.

Whatever happened to the poor soul? He opened up to you and even let you have food from his make-shif garden, to this? Again? You were not going to take this behavior again.

Tap tap tap

Your fist wasn't working on the big doors to the castle. Then you remembered that sweet dagger that ol woman gave you whenever someone sketchy tried to grab you in anyway. You positioned it to where the back of the dagger, it's pointed end, faced you and the handle on the front..

" here goes nothing.. "

Alucard's Pov


I groan and tossed around in my bed, the plushes I made next to me had tossed with me some too. Holding my nose bridge with my finger and thumb I hiss. ' if it's those wondering theives or so help me a soilder, I won't hesitate to rip their--no--no.. It's probably just the wind. It's only Trees Alucard.. S'nothing .. More. " I scrunched into a yawn as my fangs kissed my lower lips as I repositioned myself with the handmade version of my friends.. Off to sleep I go-


Floating up, I grabbed a long cape and flew dramatically to the door to swing it open. " WHAT IS IT?! IT'S THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT YOU UTTER SCOUNDREL-" the figure leaped back and tripped, their hood fell off as they hit their head on the way down.

" oh.. Y/n, it's you dear.. Oh dear.. My bad.. I didn't mean for us to meet in such a cold storm. " as they looked up at me, they frowned a bit. This.. Didn't look good. " oh, it's.. Alright I guess. " no eye contact, they used to be all over that. The snowflakes now grew heavy and bigger. " must've been a exquisite climb for you to get to my doorsteos in the cold.. And in a night gown of all things. " I chuckled as they reached for the back of their hands.

" bluh-blood.. " I softly heard as they held it up to me. My mind, it was in a haze. No.. I don't want to even think about that.. Not ever, no. Not me!
" uh.. Please, come in. Let's wash that out from your poor head.. You must be freezing to death. " ushering y/n inside, I shut the wide doors and checked the fire to see if it was still warm enough. And then to tend dear y/n's care of a bleeding head.

As I turned around from the fire, I saw y/n, shivering as melted snow dripped from the h/c hair tips from their h/l length. " I'm starting to think you'd now need a bath. Not only are you bleeding to death but you are cold, are you not? " looking at them they sniffled. " helll no, I'm strong and-sniff- besides, it's just a scratch. " I reply in a scowl. One that was a 'ohh yeah really? ' face. Nonetheless, I pull their arm over my shoulders and help them keep balance.

Third Pov

Were you crying? Soft tears flew down but you didn't sound like it. The bump on your head must've made you emotional. Alucard helped you on the way to the bathroom, a large stone tub layed, it looked like something in the books the Greeks used as a bath house.

" this is.. Too big, don't you think? It's not that bad. " you shifted on the wooden chair as Alucard worked his magic on the pipes that were built in the castle. Water was soon heard rushing up and out of the pipes as one was of hot water and the other coldest of waters. Soon he reached to turn the knob of 4 tiny pipes with colors of liquid? Or a potion.. But mixed together had the scent of pomegranate and lilac, this reallly put you at ease.

" whoa.. You built that? " he tweaked his eyebrow, you could see his reflection that he was slightly surprised. " yes, my Father knew much than your race. Obviously. " he stood back up from a crouched position and took his gloves off.. His slender hands looked clear as porcelain.

" now, you may have time to undress, I won't do anything foolish since I am a man of my own privacy too. So please, do take time--oh--but.. Not too long. Don't want the water to cool off.. But.. Yeah.. "

walking briskly past you, he closed the wooden door to where you shuffled out of the half soaked cloths that covered your skin. You rubbed the back of your head again. Your h/l hair was mixed in with the sappy blood on the back as you pulled your hand away, it was starting to scab till you messed it up.. So now it was bleeding worse.

This was to where, you got in the water and told Alucard it was ok for him to enter. As you looked away from him in embarrassment, he held a face of no emotion. He grabbed a towel and a sponge and started to tend the wound..

The silence gnawed your feet. It's been a couple of weeks since you've bonded.. You felt bad, it felt like someone poured lava on you. Great, here goes nothing.

"Alucard? "
"Hm? "
"I.. I don't know how to explain this.. But, I am.. "
" your what? Got anymore filth I need to know? " owch, that stung.. Physically and literally.

" look. I'm sorry that I fell in love with someone, but you didn't have the balls to even ask me, you just gave me food and talked with me! " you were wanting to turn around and face him, but you never liked it when he scared you.

" well, too bad they decided to go with that shit talk of a bounty placed on me, now they stand as beautiful yard decor. " he picked out a large rock the size of your thumb and placed it on a tray as he kept cleaning.
" how could you?! They gave you things too!! You were like friends!! "
"Oh? Friends? Y/n.. Tell me, do friends stab each other in the back for further growth of their land, to feed their livestock and kin? " he yanked on the back of your h/c scalp and forced you to look up at him. His gold orbs looked like they kit with flame.

" or they use you for their own sick pleasures to only kill you. You'd do that hm? Lead me to bed, rough around with me and just slit my throat open. " you pushed him away a bit and turned around, covering the front of your chest. " you don't know if you don't try Alucard!!" The tears weld up in your e/c irises and shrieked a tad. " you always pushed me away when I want to help you.. You've helped me but why can't I help you?! " Alucard felt the muscles in his face relax.. Did he upset you? He didn't mean to.. " y/n..i-"

" if you don't accept my help or anyone else's help then tell me.. "

You looked him dead in the eye.

" what are we then, Alucard?"

1323 words

Thanks so much for 1k READS!! I suggest for more writing like this to read my jjba book! You guys mean so much as you've bookmarked this and suggested me to continue, it really means a lot to me as a artist and writer! 💞😭


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