Tresspassing | Alucard x Reader

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Ah the medow is so beautiful and warm as you decide to go within the small dark area. A nice apple pie was something you have been craving to make for ages. All the night creatures eaten all the ones in your home town so you decided to go farther. Out of the boundaries that your father gave you.

"Whoa! It's as of God kissed this certain spot! Thank youuu!! ~" You said singing in song as you climbed the hill reaching the summit of the edge. Now the troubking thing was how to get the apples out of the tree.. For you, it was taller than the ones back in home town. So you thought for a while till you decided to book it and climb the tree.

After at least 12 tries and 3 splinters later you found out shaking the tree was SO much easier. "Could've known that.. Stupid nature. At least give me a sign that I'm too small. " You sat down for a short break. Luckily you found a small water way before taking a break so you washed the apples in order to have no dirt on them. You took a bite from the apple and could taste how wonderful it was, so much sweetness sparkled in your mouth as you scrunched in delight- after opening them, you found a bush full of berries. Stary eyed, you jogged over carrying the basket of half washed apples and took many berries, some were raspberries of both black and red! So rare indeed! And next- mint! A mint bush right here!! It was as if God's kitchen opened up for you to take only a handful to share with others.

After wondering around. A large castle towered over you. It seemed dark and ever so horrible with its outings damaged and some un repairable. There was but a small bush of strawberries that looked to be new to you. As you walked you took a tiny fist full but suddenly haunted and dropped your basket causing you to cry. Two dead spiked corpses lead into the Castle doors as if to abandon all hope. The heart in your chest felt like stopping. Holding your abdomen and throat as you could feel the pain while looking at it you went to leave. That was, till a spiked metal came to your throat. You wanted to scream and call for help. But you knew if you did that, you'd be killed on the spot.

"I don't recall anyone being allowed entry. " The voice hoarsly spoke as the figure was behind and the sword.. It was floating all by itself! Witchcraft? Magician? You couldn't tell. You swallowed and spoke. "I was just... Just getting food for my family and the town nearby. I swear I didn't know this castle had anyone inside!! " Whimpers formed as you shivered. "If you were blind you wouldn't see the two bodies staked right on my door step to warn humans like you to 'mind your own business and scram?' Either you are blind OR ridiculously asinine to step or breathe in my general direction! " He hissed in your ear as you squeezed your eyes tight. His hand grabbed your h/l hair as he pushed you a tad as you fell to the ground and got a good look at him.

The man had luxurious blond hair that flowed in the wind and matched the sun's rays. His eyes a golden yellow as if it was out of fairytale. And his white shirt rolled up and wore black right pants to match his black boots. " Now what to do with you. I take you in and you'd probably kill me no matter what. You really suck at playing innocent. " He kneeled down to look at your face. Your radiant e/c filled up with worry and fear while being interrogated by someone she just met. Your h/c strands covered half your face. The man decided to use his sword to move the hair from your face and tuck in behind your s/c ear.

"You should've been told that a Alucard Tepes roams here." The sword shifted back in his holder and looked at you. "Whatever you want. Take it. I see you here again however, it isn't going to be pleasant. "
You looked at Alucard and nodded while running away. He was about to stop you, you forgot the basket and fruit. He looked at his hands.
" I really am like my father.. "
He picked up the fruit and the broken basket as he walked back in the castle, hesitating at the corpses and spat at one of their feets.


You grew hungry. Kicking yourself mentally while getting prepared for bed was the last thing you wanted today. 'Guuu guuuu guuu' was all your stomach could murmur to you. Shrugging it off you slipped off your clothes for a night gown. It didn't matter who you were, everyone had it. Yours was a dirty white but had lovely lace on it, sure it was torn at parts but it was a suitable fit. ' CLANG CLANG CLANG! ' " FUH-ckin hell! " you jumped and cursed as you shivered to see who it was, but the overwhelming thought that it was a night creature lurked in your mind. Naive, you decided to fling your door open to only see nothing. You looked down. It.. Was the basket you left when you found Alucard. You shook your head, left to right. Scanning the area for any sign of him. You picked up the basket and closed and licked the door shut. You placed the basket on the table.. It had do much more than you wanted.

The basket was mended in a similar colour of weaving, fresh caught fish were in there alongside with vegetables and fruits which all looked to be washed and cared for. Along that there were tiny candied like substances. Sucking on them could lead to a flavor burst of honey and the scent of vanilla fill your lungs. You decided to cook yourself a nice small meal before bed, along with desert of course. Later, after storing the food and sharing half of it with the neighbor who had his chickens sleep by the night board last week, you went to put the basket away until a small letter flew out of it. " Odd.. Now why on earth or where the hell did this come from? " Opening it with the same knife you gutted the fish you began to read:

Dear unknown Tresspaser,

I most certainly apologize for the inconvenience. I, myself, haven't been keen onto letting people enter my place without knowing weather or not they are friend or foe..
My rage and loneliness has been taken out on others as it seemed and the victim of it was you. I'm not one to be ever so kind as to let people back into my Castle--my home. But if you ever need of supply of food for any occasion. Then my home is your home. For you are just a plain human, and I, a man trying to figure out who he might become.

Yours truly,
Alucard Tepes.

P. S. The basket needed mending. I had to use of special dye and cloth to fix it. Make sure to not, 'drop' anything again, ok? Good "

You smiled to yourself and yawned. Tucking yourself into bed you blew out the candle, having a plan for tomorrow. Whilst this happened, Alucard jumped off of your roof and smiled warmly, taking off into the night back into his home in which he only had himself to conversation with.


Morning came, brisk and chilly. Alucard woke up on the floor of his bedroom, still lazy to clean the blood stained sheets from a week ago. He shakingly stumbled up onto his hind legs and stood up straight.

Breakfast was scarce, things were getting rotten fast. He felt too.. Gross, too sad to even pick up or lay a hand on anything good to eat at all. The only thing he did have was some leftovers, that too didn't satisfy him. It tasted of barely baked dough and made him gag to his heart's content. It was grey too, who ever thought this was edible?! " Fucking waste.. What do you two say? " He looked up at two pushes he must've made by hand, one with a beard and cape and the other adoning a blue poncho and ginger hair. " To be frank you might as well be eating someone's loin seed rather than food at all. I should know, it's the most delectable thing in the world. " Alucard said to himself in a different tone of voice, he did this again for the other one sounding femanine with a Spanish accent. " God, both of you are nothing but idiots, if I continued my travel with my fellow speakers I wouldn't have to listen to any of your dirty rambles. " He chuckled to himself and sighed. Heavy. He looked at his scars. His recent ones. To be betrayed like that.. It hurted him more than ever. He finished his meal and decided to clean up. Adoning the clothes from yesterday but with a black jacket with yellow and gold decal.

Stepping out into the outside again he felt, something change. He took a deep breath. Something warm and sweet came in mind. He looked at the direction of the scent and could not believe his dhampir eyes. It was the trespasser from yesterday. this time sitting on a blanket with more food than before. He walked up slowly behind them and smiled weakly. " When I said 'my home is your home' I didn't ment for you to take it literally. "
"Of course not. " You hummed, pouring mint tea into a wooden cup you handcrafted your self. " Take a seat. " You said to him, patting your hand on the blanket.
"This has been the most.. You have been the most mysterious stranger that's ever came across my castle alive. "
"And you are a strange man with long canines. " You smiled as did he for only 7 seconds.
" Now, Alucard. Tell me about you, then I will tell you all you need to know about me. "
He took a sipped and sighed. Nothing would drug him.
" Fair enough.. It all began with my Father.. Dracula.. "

1725 words

I thank all of those who started to save this story. I've been thinking about also starting one for JJBA hut I'm not too sure. Remember to request a x reader for this series, it helps me write more for you guys!!

- Shinkō

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