Hocus-Spokeus| Alucard x Witch! Reader x Trevor

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I'm in recovery for doing some stupid stuff due to mental health issues so expect more writing. But enough of me, enjoy! Requested by cattysolonely2UwU

" righ' listen here will ya? We just need a smidge. " he angrily closes his finger tips together. " A smidge of healing ointments and some beads for me and Batsy over 'er. "

Outrageous! You were having the finest of evenings till these two men outta nowhere decided to barge on you, bloodied and reaking of booze and metallic blood, for THIS??

" and I will say it again.. The ointment.. Takes... Mhhh.. Takes bout a few weeks if I'm not found! And--and the beads are rare yeilds to find! " I started to scratch my clothes as I looked at my feet. Blimey, I hate looking at people, it was hard for me and still is.

" listen. Lady, woman, we don't have time to be a shy little bit and have time for POTIO-"

" waiting will do. " the Blond spoke finally, his slim figure turned slowly around as he inspected the place, hand rested on the handle neck of his long sword. " WAITING?! You have to be joking." The brunette man scoffed and gritted his teeth to the pale man and shoved his index finger into the mysterious pink scar across his chest.

"Another horde of night creatures could be scowering the very depths of this forgotten places of this forest to where we left one of us out there, and you have the audacity, balls even, to say that we wait?! " I jumped at the times his voice got louder and I accidentally dropped a empty bottle on the floor.

"And what's wrong with waiting at the little witch's hut Belmont? Scared she might curse you into a coward? I mean--not that you already are.. " the man shifted away from Belmont and walked up to me.

" we would like to stay for a while, if that's understanding to you. " his long blonde hair looked as if the sun made it itself by weaving it's hair as a blanket. I hadn't looked at his slender face. I'm still scared to.

" indeed. My hut, your hut. " wow that was.. Awful

" I almost forgotten to introduce ourselves. I'm Alucard Tepes, and this would be my companion, Trevor Belmont. "

" oh? Oh?! So I'm just a companion? Who saved your arse from the-"

" pleasure, I am y/n l/n. Please, make yourselves at home. " I went down stairs since most of my home was underground. Almost a 'bigger on the inside' case, only for safety purposes.

Alucard followed as Trevor was just mumbling and groaning to himself.

" how long have you lived alone? " Alucard says after weaving through the many bead curtains that streamed through the stairs into the living room.

" it's been a while. I've grown found of it really. " I started to cut open a chestnut that I've collected some time ago. "But since I'm in my twenties I've decided to lie low. " after popping it in my mouth Trevor piped up.

"So are you a type of Magician? A speaker perhaps? " he stroked his stubble as if there had been a fake beard, a some how giggled. "Well.. Not quite.. I can make things levitate, do chores for me.. But other than that, spells or anything else has just been meek. "

A nod from Alucard as I accidentally looked at his face, gold.. His eyes were gold. As of it was a shining shilling given as a Christmas gift.

"Save your strength. Just incase. " he smiled with his white toothy grin and fangs.. Wait.. Fangs... Oh--OH LORD-

I suddenly got up and his as Trevor dashed twords me and a heated fore poker lifted in the air. " STAY BACK- BUH-BOTH OF YOU! " my eyes felt so tiny, I felt so tiny against these two.. I was going to die tonight, all because my magic has been weak.

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