Drunken man child | Trevor Belmont x Reader

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'You have got to be kidding me.' 

Both you and Trevor had to go into a small village for more equipment for your preparations onto finding Dracula's Castle. As a responsible friend, you told Sypha and Alucard that you would acompany Trevor just so some stress was lifted off their shoulders.
After 6 daggers and packs of medical herbs later.. Trevor stumbled out of a tavern and threw up. You scrunched your nose as you meanacingly moved to him, ready to have the talk of his life.
" I leave you for a second. A BLOODY SECOND. And you run off to drink to avoid responsibilities! Alucard was right, you really are some Lucky drunk. " Scratching the bridge of your nose he looked up and wobbled a tad to his left. " Whaaa.. S'not like that Damn bat has any experience himself.. " He hiccuped while scratching his stubbled face. "Bessidess, cann we jus relax? I have been doing nothing but busting my fucking arse on night creatures for the last week. " You gasped at his language as you were raised in a well established home with nice words, his made you cringe and scoff. " Look. We need to get you cleaned up. You smell of booze, you look like hell, and if Sypha finds out she's gunna have a cow. " You said tugging the tan collar of his shirt. " Y/n..i don't wanna, please? ~. One more pinttt~. " The slur of his voice made him sound like a child. This was going to be tough for sure.
"No.absolutely not. "
"B-but it wasnt muchh! ~ I had a free one waiting for mee-"
" No Buts Belmont. You would know the rules if you were sober. But your nothing but a drunken man child who wants to relax. "


There was a pause between you two. You gulped knowing that you were for sure in for it. You closed your eyes only to have the smell of beer close to your face. "I'm your drunken man child y/n.." He chuckled as he got closer to you. You blushed a faint dusty pink and were about to kiss one another.

Then before your lips could touch..

He threw up on your boots. You heard him hurl and gag as you stood there with puckered lips till you looked down. Absolute disgust and patted his back, sighing in a ticked off manner.

" Yep. Your drunk alright. Cmonn. Let's get you cleaned off. As for me, you owe me new boots. "


Hiya! I wasn't sure if this was alright as a start off story. I was bored and just improvised on my way writing. hopefully you enjoyed my first work! Thank you!

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