uno; first day

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lilac: i find that unfair

fay: what unfair

lilac: that yu fidonf get to choose

fay: tf?

lilac: i meant you and didnt goddamnit

fay: ohh

lilac: r u ok?

fay: yeah why?

lilac: your not... u

fay: its 10pm here u dumbfuck

lilac: thats a bit early to fall asleep

fay: shut up and let me sleep

lilac: sorry im bored k?

fay: go to sleep. i hope the boogeyman eats you

lilac: ily2 beb

and with that, our conversation ended. it's sad that fay lives in america, and how its sixteen hours ahead here in australia. fay is my best friend and i really want to meet her, no matter how much she taunts me (because we all know she also loves me).

just as i was about to make a late lunch, my phone rang. it was an unknown number.

unknown: heyyy

lilac: do i know you?

unknown: ur not that girl from the party.

lilac: no

lilac: but if i was, it would be nice for you to remember my name.

unknown: sorry

i took some time to look at the number, it was an australian area code. i thought he would stop texting me, but he didn't. instead, he kept texting me.

unknown: so whats ur name?

lilac: i dont talk to strangers

unknown: im luke

luke: now were not strangers.

lilac: okay.

luke: are you going to tell me yours?

lilac: nope.

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