cuatro; three days later pt. 2

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group chat with - fay, lilac, & luke:

fay: heyy

luke: hi?

li: heyksks

fay: so ur luke huh

luke: do i know u?

li: shes my friend

fay: um excuse me, BEST friend****

li: ok sure lol BEST friend

luke: i thought i was ur best friend

li: ur my friend?

fay: oh

luke: ouch :'(

fay: lilac

luke: whos lilac

fay: what

li: what

luke: what

fay just gave him my name. for fucks sake.

luke: ur name is lilac?!??

luke: i finally got her name!!

luke: thanks whoeveryouare!

fay: the name's fairy girl

lilac: goddamnit fay

fay: <333333

luke and fay left the group chat and luke starts to text me independently.

luke: hey lilac

lilac: hey :/

luke: what?

lilac: i didn't want you to know my name

luke: why not

lilac: idk i dont like it

luke: oh

luke: i think its beautiful

luke: like the color for flowersss

lilac: thanks i guess.

lilac: why do you still talk to me

luke: idk lol do u want me to stop?

lilac: no never said that

luke: random question

lilac: okay shoot

luke: do you want to know what i look like?

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