tres; three days later

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luke: its been three days

luke: tell me ur name!?!1!

queen L: okay i will

luke: okay yaY

queen L: you ready?

luke: yes omgdla

luke: imma be so sad if you give me another nickname

queen L: li

luke: li?

queen L: its another nickname lolol

luke: i h8 u m8

queen L: then y r u still talkin to me

wow, a second grader was better grammer then me.

luke: bc my franz are mad at me

li: what did u do

luke: i beat their highest keg stand :/

li: oh wow.

my usual text tone rings, but it wasn't from luke. its fay.

fay: hey flowr

lilac: hey fairy

fay: wassup my homegirl

lilac: just chillin dawg

fay: ong lets never do that again

lilac: agreed kskshhek

fay: r u still texting that luke guy

lilac: yeah :/

fay: he chill

lilac: not like u boo

fay: aye homegirl knows wassup

lilac: ew that was

fay: just no

lilac: yes.

fay and i hate texting but we are too shy to actually call each other. when we text, its so awkward but we are comfortable with each other. does that even make sense?

my phone rang once again, but it's luke this time. actually, he texted me five times but i ignored him for the fun of it.

fay: so lets group chat with him ;)

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