trece; four months and a half

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lilac: we should really meet up

lilac: don't u think

luke: yeah where do you live?

lilac: melbourne

luke: i live in sydney :(

lilac: that's hours away

luke: i know babe :(

lilac: what

luke: what?

lilac: youjustcalledmebABE

luke: omg sorry

luke: i didn't mean to make you uncomfortable

lilac: its okay.

lilac: i kinda like it i guess.

luke: you love it

lilac: guess what though?

luke: what?

luke: :D

lilac: i darkened the purple, its kinda blue violet now

luke: really?

luke: thats awesome

lilac: right :)

luke: you dye your hair alot

lilac: eh

lilac: i dye it when im bored

luke: well your bored alot

lilac: i know

lilac: thats y i text u

luke: aw i thought u text me bc u like me

luke: and bc im swaggy

luke: and bc well im awesome

lilac: and for those reasons too i guess

lilac: better?

luke: much

luke: but anyways

luke: i bet you look really pretty babe

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