dos; first day

11.5K 387 181

luke: :-(

luke: why not?

lilac: for all you know, i could be an old pedo man

luke: an old pedo wouldnt know how to type so fast like you

lilac: he couldve got some mad skills

luke: you like penguins?

that was random.

lilac: whY

luke: i want to get to know you

lilac: you dont even know my name.

luke: give me a nickname at least?

lilac: i dont have one

luke: make one up :-(

lilac: why dont you use emojis?

luke: too overrated

lilac: agreed.

luke: so about that name?

lilac: you mean nickname

luke: or that too :(

lilac: call me senpai

luke: whaht

lilac: senpai

luke: ok i guess

senpai: i feel special.

luke: so do you like penguins?

senpai: i guess theyre pretty kewl

luke: oh how old are you?

senpai: 68

luke: im 69 ;)

senpai: wtf

luke: but srsly how old r u

senpai: 21

luke: really?

senpai: yea

luke: fr?

senpai: nah lol

luke: can i guess?

senpai: ok

luke: 14?

senpai: no

luke: 15

senpai: no

luke: 16?

senpai: maybe

luke: really?

senpai: no lmao

i like doing this, this luke kid is gulible.

senpai: im 17

luke: ohh!!

luke: im 18

he acts way younger then his actual age.

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