vingt-quatre; four weeks later

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fay's p.o.v

(after fay's, mikey's and luke's visit to lilac)

fay : lucifer

luke : i swear my name is luke

fay : i d c

fay : but

fay : you and li have been texting for like... for almost two years

luke : omf wait relally

fay : yes im serious

luke : omg ur serious

luke : your never serious

fay : i know

fay : when are you gonna ask her out!????'cjdkekdj?;&:&:&/@/

luke : whenever li doesn't want to be just friends...

luke : i've been waiting on li..

fay : okay brb

i switched from luke and i's conversation to lilac and i's converstion.


lilac : hiiiiiii

fay : do you still just want to be "friends that flirt way to much" with luke??

fay : your torturing the poor boy's feelings

lilac : thats what you said a long time ago

fay : long time ago was almost two years

fay : hello

fay : are you there

fay : bitch

lilac : holy shit wait really...

fay : yes omfg

lilac : fuck idk

fay : what would you say if luke asks you out??

lilac : yes i guess???

fay : alright

time to finally get these two together and eat more ice cream afterwards.


this book is coming to an end omf im emo

should i make a sequel??

character ask coming next in like twenty minutes <3

omf we are near 6k reads shit ily all so much you guys don't understand

- eLLa

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