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3rd pov

Everyone knows Karma is protective... or at least everyone who's close to him knows. He doesn't openly show it often, but through his actions and reading between his words, you can learn to understand how protective he is. It's also one of the few worst kept rumors that the school has, with only the staff unaware of it. If you mess with someone Karma is protecting, the red head will come after you and very much so live up to his name. Very few people have ever managed to enrage Karma that much, but the few who did barely lived to tell the tell and made sure to warn others. 

However, there is no way for the rest of the school to know that Class E is just as protective of Karma as he is of them. As far as the rest of the school is concerned and as far as they know, Karma is the outcast among even the outcasts, and he's a lone wolf, preferring to be alone and they take advantage of that to get the drop on him for the first time in a very long time. He'd been on his way home, still in sight of the old building he goes to class in every day when he's not skipping, when they come out of no where.

There had been no bloodlust, no shuffling or anything, they were simply there. Karma can already tell he's not going to make it out of this one unscathed, these are some sort of hired help and they look damn strong, so whoever has done this obviously has a very serious grudge against him - though personally he does not think he's recently done anything to piss off anyone super powerful or rich, and the A-class would never resort to this, right?

The rest of the class had still been in the changing room, and had been changing, preparing for the PE class that Karasuma gives them, so they are several minutes behind Karma. None of them expect him to still be there, let alone to see him being pinned down and restrained by several guys bigger and stronger than him. They know that would not normally stop him from winning, but they outnumber him so greatly he stood no chance.

Karma grimaces from where his stomach is being shoved into the ground, trying to shift even a little, except one of them steps between his shoulder blades and then proceeds to stand on his back, forcing him further into the ground and forcing all the air out of his lungs in a choked sound. The class can see a few bruises and quite a bit of blood on their red head and none of them are appreciating it. He already has enough red on him and not a one of them are very happy to see him covered in more.

Yoshida and Sugino share glances, before Isogai, Kayano and Yada step forward, getting closer to the enemies. The enemies themselves stop what they are doing and glare at these middle schoolers in front of them, fully prepared to knock them out, when their boss raises a hand and waves them off, letting them know to continue preparations. They shrug and continue to tie the kids legs together - not that he's making that very easy - and mixing their concoction together.

Terasaka, Takebayashi and Muramatsu are looking over their friend, trying to determine where he's most hurt and if they will have to extract him or if he'll be able to help. Okuda and Okana are both watching the other guys, trying to determine what the hell they're making, but they can only guess at the ingredients and they know they missed quite a few ingredients, based purely on how much liquid is already in the small tear shaped container. They all have a bad feeling about that and they decide they need to move quickly.

Nakamura spots movement out of the corner of her eye and shifts slightly to see Karasuma moving along the edge of the woods, getting behind their opponents without ever letting them know he's there. She nudges Chiba, who nods and taps Nagisa, who spares him a glance - nothing more is required to get the message - and then goes back to staring at their enemies. 

They're all just barely restraining the anger inside of them, even the ones that don't appear to be friends with Karma are angry, since everyone knows that Karma is their friend and you don't fuck with their friends unless you want a slow death, bitch.  Sugino, Hayami, Hazama and Sugaya are further back, since they're some of the best shots and since they're the ones most likely to break first under their anger at seeing the red head hurt. That's not to say the others won't cave under their anger too, it just means they are the ones to break first and they tend to bring the entire class with them when they do, since they're usually so calm and collected.

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