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Obviously an au.

3rd pov

It's not like Karma asked to be experimented on, and it's certainly not like any of the teachers would allow it. The entire class are unaware of what's happening... until the government make a mistake. Followed by a second one that they can not fix in any way, especially with Karma refusing to do most of the things they're asking him to do. There's no way in hell he's using his classmates to kill the octopus, he's not risking their lives like that - they've got lives after this, unlike Karma who most likely will be either killed or locked up somewhere, if he doesn't die young from everything his body goes through.

His parents had died when he was young and so he'd been put into foster house after foster house, unable to stay in any for too long, for a number of reasons. Eventually, the government decided they were going to make a kid soldier in order to combat anything - paranoia and way too many movies - so they go looking. What do they find but a kid of about 14 with anger issues, lots of violent interactions and constantly moving. He's perfect and they snatch him up. He's only been an experiment for about a year - they'd really got him when he was 16, but due to lack of food and other vital things, he's a bit shorter than he should be and now will likely be short for the rest of his life - but the things they've done to him... he'd not wish them on anyone.

His body is reinforced, so he could probably take several of Itona's tentacles and not flinch, but there would definitely still be pain - more in fact, since that experiment had made his pain receptors far more receptive - he's capable of going a certain amount of days without food or water, he can move with a lethal grace most people can only wish for and, perhaps most importantly, he has a power that created itself from all the experiments. Karma can now mess with density. 

Upon finding this out, the government had started more experiments - there was a vivisection, but he also has enhanced healing and they only had him half aware at that time - as well as several others that were less than pleasant. By the time Karma joined the E-class, he was just glad to be away from the stupid bright lights, always freezing rooms, and bare essentials he'd been forced to live with for the past year. Karasuma is a surprise, but he obviously knows nothing since he does not do more than nod before passing by him, which means the government are doing this on their own agenda. The octopus is a bit slow - he can see him moving, even if it's still blurry around the edges - but he can't show that so he pretends he can not see and goes along.

The entire day, he's finding the edge, testing how and what he has to do in order to hide his powers from the class, as well as the octopus, because the file he'd been given said he was an experiment gone wrong and something in Karma says letting the teacher realize one of his students is an experiment as well would not end well for the government... actually. Karma shakes the thought away, it's his only home right now, as much as it sucks, since they're paying for his current hotel room and shit where he's staying. 

The class notice something off with Karma - not too much, just a feeling when he does something, a certain wrongness? A shift in the air? A kind of offness? that they can't explain, but they all notice it. The teachers notice too, but none of them are truly thinking outside the box, having no reason to, least of all with their daily lives filled with trying to kill an octopus and teach, while also not disturbing others and bonding. Karma wishes he could have a bond with the others, but the façade he wears was made entirely by the government in the hopes he'd piss off Korosensei. 

It had not worked. The government sends a video one day, claiming it has evidence that will help them get rid of Korosensei - who they let sit in, it's most likely not something they don't already know - and the other two decide to stay as well. The entire class is watching, waiting for the video to start, the lights off and blinds closer to keep lighting low since the video is pretty dark. A light is flicked on and to everyone's surprise - it's not Korosensei in a lab, or doing something that'll give them a hint, but rather an unconscious Karma strapped to a table. His shirt has been removed - cut off? Torn apart? It's gone anyway - and he's gagged. 

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