Spirit animal

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3rd pov

Every person has a spirit animal. Every person. No matter their status, age, or anything to do with their physical bodies, they have a spirit animal. What the animal is changes - and very few people ever have the same animal at the same time - per person, but everyone has a spirit. The animal defines a part of them, shows a part of them they might not have, and they are always physical.

It's been forbidden to hurt or capture another's spirit animal for years, but that does not always mean that people listen to the rules, especially if they are raised to be snobs and then get put into a prestigious school that works based on rank and allows bullying of a certain class, without any repercussions. Spirit animals are excluded from this - it states that very firmly in the rules, since that would have to be dealt with the state, not the school - and no one will ever forget after what happened. 

Since a spirit animal is a literal manifestation of part of your soul and is physical, it's entirely possible for someone to hurt your animal and for the wound to transfer and ricochet down the bond that ties spirit to human counterpart. Spirit animals are considered off limits by everyone - even assassins won't touch another's animal - and so only idiots and psychopaths are literally willing to hurt another's animal. 

Nobody knows what Karma's spirit animal is. Class E does not know if he's never shown anyone, or if he just does not yet trust them enough, but they respect his wishes. Isogai and his bobcat are known, as are Terasaka and his owl, Sugino and his panther, Nagisa and his snake, Korosensei with his tiger and Kimura with his fox. They all know these animals, and the others have animals as well, but sometimes it's hard to keep track of 26 animals and so they don't always bring them into the class. (Korosensei had built a little area for the numerous animals to relax in while their humans where in class.)

The class has no way to know that Karma's spirit animal manifested during one of the few times his parents were home and they had not liked what it was. They had decided - for their son, without his consent - that if was not necessary and had locked it up and taken it with them. Even now -  4 years later - it's still with them. He has no idea what his animal is, but the fact that his parents do not like it let's him know it's something dangerous.

However, there's been a bad feeling in his stomach all day, since he had woken up that morning and found that his parents were home and asleep. He'd headed to school late, as always and shown up just in time for first period to be about half way through. He would usually pay enough attention to at least be able to answer Korosensei's questions or plot assassination attempts, but the feeling in his stomach just continues to grow, getting worse and worse the further into the day it gets - by the time lunch comes round he's not hungry and gives his food to Isogai who needs it - enough so that he actually changes and attends the PE class, though he sits on the steps and out of the way. 

Usually he'd be all for beating his classmates up, but the feeling in his stomach has spread to his chest now and he knows on some level that whatever is about to happen is going to do something that he might not be able to control. However, nothing happens and he lets out a sigh of relief when he gets home and the feeling backs off a bit, even if just enough so he no longer feels as if someone is sitting on his chest. He's in so much pain that he lies down and slips into a sleep that lasts until he gets up at 8 the next morning, not even bothering to finish his homework like he usually would.

The entire class can tell something's wrong when Karma walks in, he's panting in a way that's not normal for him and he does not turn in his homework immediately, as a matter of fact, several see him working on it during lunch. They all keep a close eye on him and notice several concerning things. Korosensei is starting to get concerned too, and everyone knows what that means. The final bell rings and Karma lets out a soft grunt as he struggles to stand - though they barely notice it's a struggle with how tight his mask is - and starts to head for the door. 

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