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3rd pov

The world of equality for Omegas has certainly come far, especially since they were slaves for longer than any other people, but that does not mean much. The world may have come far, but there's only so far the people themselves can go and that entirely depends on who they are and what kind of people they were raised around. Nagisa is an Alpha, raised by his mother - who is not ok, but he can't leave her, damnit - to care for Omegas and Betas equally, since they are just as important as the Alpha, or else they would not exist and that must mean something.

Sugino, a Beta, was raised by parents who were divided, his father telling him to be good to both the others, while his mother told him to avoid Alphas and humiliate any Omegas he came across. The others -  omegas, betas and alphas - are raised similarly, though most have parents that are more equality leaning then others, they all are pretty much equal in secondary gender, at least in each other's eyes. 

Karma got the bad stick, as did at least another 15% of Omegas in the world. He got parents that were so far on the opposite side of the spectrum from Omega equality, they literally fell off it and onto a whole new scale. Karma was raised to think that Betas and Alphas got to tell him what to do and they were allowed to do anything to him as they liked, but he got confused when in 4th grade the teachers started teaching him otherwise.

By the time he hit 2nd, his parents had long since left to travel and he had been allowed to skip two grades. He's young and impressionable, but he's unfortunately given two completely and totally different views and he's not sure which one is right, because the teachers explained one and well, they're teachers, so they're not wrong, but his parents gave him the other and they're his parents, gave birth and raised him, so they're not wrong either...right?

Karma is stuck in that debate, going back in forth in his head, between loving and hating his gender, and he's still stuck by the time he's 14 and in 3-E. He tries so hard to kill the teacher in Koro-sensei as much as possible that first day, but nothing he does works and that goes so far against the view he's had the last year - the teacher destroyed any trust he had in him and thus that gave the views his parents taught him time to infect him far more viciously then they had before - that he starts to hope a bit. The longer he's with the class, with his friends, with all these people who are becoming pack, the harder a time he's having on continuing taking scent blockers and ridiculous scentless clothes. 

Slowly, the longer he's there, he starts to wean himself off the stupid medicine his parents wanted him on - he's never had any problem with his scent, but they claimed he smelled disgusting and to cover it up - and stopped wearing the clothes that would not retain scent, even if you literally smeared them in shit. The class - the pack, because they've accepted everyone but Karma, who's been hiding and has politely declined each time they subtly ask him to join - notices the change, but they can not place it for the first few weeks.

Then, they realize as Karma comes in one morning and stops, fondness softening his expression, that he looks healthier, and that his scent - his scent, which they have not ever been able to get a whiff of - is alive, sparking with happiness and content and love, so fiercely some of them are almost in tears. It takes time, but slowly Karma starts to let the class in, joins the pack, and it's the night after they've fully initiated him into the pack and he's revealed that he's an omega,("Karma there's no way you're an omega." "Why not? What proof do you have?" "...He's got a point.") that his parents return for the first in years. 

They startle him as he walks in the door, after school, scent out and open, wearing clothes that do not block it and looking happy. The anger that covers their faces has him cowering  - as much as he hates it, they're still his parents and he recognizes that even if he hates it - back into the door, wanting to get away from them. They beat him badly that night - "Like the fuckin Omega you are! You sure know how to take a beating!" - and he ends up not showing up to class for several days. While he's out, his parents force feed him that stupid medicine and his scent starts to fade again.

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