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3rd pov

The class had been captured before, had been used against Korosensei, even after the clause that harm to the students would null the bounty, they were still taken as hostages at the very least. All of them have experience at being hostages, at this point, though none quite as much as Nagisa and even then Karma has him beat. They had never asked the red head, but they think they're about to get their answer and that honestly frightens most of the class. 

They'd been enjoying a free study period since Bitch-sensei was out with a cold, when the topic of who had been kidnapped most came up. None of them counted being captured as a class, so that took out most of them. Kayano had a total of 4 kidnappings under her belt, Nagisa has been held hostage by his mother his entire life, pretty much so there's that, and Karma had not spoken, but they're now in a glaring contest to try and get him to answer. It's not that they're trying to be mean, but they honestly want to know more about him and this is sometimes the only way.


Terasaka sighs from where he is beside the red head and watches the class as a majority shift from just curious to a sudden unease that none of them had ever wanted to have to acknowledge. They had known Karma was beat up a few times - far more than any of them would ever like to think about, if they're completely honest - and all, but there's no way he's been kidnapped or captured half as often... right? The unease dripping down their necks and the tightness in their chests says otherwise.

Karma himself is just trying to get them off his back. He knows exactly how many times he's been captured and he's honestly kind of proud of the number, if only because it means his reputation proceeds him. Though admittedly none of the captures had been fun in anyway and most had been filled with torture and horrifying ideas from his kidnappers. He really would rather not have to tell the class the number, the sudden decrease to the population would definitely draw attention.

It's part of the rules. If a person has experienced something horrific or traumatic, they tended to be quiet about it, especially Karma and Nagisa, so often the class had just learned when to push and when not to push. They had also set up a rule that if they really needed help, they would contact someone from the class, anyone, whoever they could manage first. Karma sighs and groans, resting his head on the desk while the class silently celebrate - fist-pumps, a brightening of the eyes, a few jump for a high five - before focusing back on the topic.

"So, how many times have you been captured?"

"Uhh, let's see... I think in the last year alone it's now up to 14?.. No, it's at 16. 16 times in the last year alone."

The class are stunned. What could their classmate possibly have done to have so many people capturing and kidnapping him? Like, yeah he's an asshole and when he fights you he hits real hard - Nagisa can attest to that - but he would also never do something too stupid or reckless, cause even he knows when his chances of surviving something are slim and will back off. 

"What the hell'd ya do?"

"Honestly, it's mostly them trying to take out competition for street cred, but some of them are genuinely trying to kill me out of fear or revenge. Not sure about the rest. Money, maybe? Not like they'll get any, only I can transfer the money since my parents are out so often and they don't tend to listen when I tell them that."

Karma rolls his eyes, exasperated, while the class start to shoot each other side glances, conveying an entire conversation before they all come to one conclusion and set a new rule : Karma is to be protected from being kidnapped or captured if any of them are nearby, and if that means they have to put up enough of a fight or even remind the guys that they're there and can tell someone so they get captured too, so be it. If he gets captured and they have evidence, they are damn well going to get their classmate themselves, though they'll have Karasuma as back up and on standby. He sees the sudden determination and just knows that the entire class has agreed on a rule.

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