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3rd pov

Everybody is born with a soulmate. Some are romantic, some are platonic, some are not acknowledged at all. The type of relationship you will have depends entirely on the placement and coloring. More on the coloring than the actual placement. The placement may say which of the bonds you embrace most, but the next best thing is the coloring. The color let's you know what it will be.

Red tends to lean more towards the romantic ones, though not always. The people who are blank or have black words means the soulmate is dead, will die soon or has not been born yet. The color that are blue or silver tend to be more platonic than anything. The most people ever have written on them are somewhere between 4-7 soulmates. So the entirety of E-class likes to hide their marks. 

The words are usually the person's name, though sometimes it can be the first thing they say or an image that fits them, maybe a word for their personality. The entire E-class are soulmates, with a few romantic ones, though most are platonic. Even Korosensei is their soulmate, though they all have a bad feeling his mark will be black by the end of this year. However, they can't figure out one they all share, but don't know the name of. Nagisa might know the name, but he won't say and the others have images or a single word for personality. 

They'd all discussed it, since the first day when they all realized they were soulmates, but none of them are able to figure it out. They still haven't figured it out when Karma joins or when Ritsu joins. They even asked Ritsu for help, because when the marks show up the kid is typically taken to the hospital to get it recorded in the records, but the hospital records don't help them. Either the kid never got them recorded or the person is just not in the area. They don't know what to do in order to actually figure out who he is.

They wouldn't know his gender either, except Nagisa confirmed the gender in order to help them out, even just slightly. Nagisa's marks are all silver, not a single one another color, and he has no problem with that. He also knows that the missing soulmate is Karma, since the name is etched in silver on his neck, one of the most personal and treasured places.  His mother had him hide all of the marks, though the ones higher or lower are hidden with make up. The hospitals do have all of them on record since Nagisa takes himself in to get them recorded.

Karma's parents had not ever taken him in to get his marks recorded, had not even tried to take him in. The next best thing was not available, since Karma had no reason to take himself in, though the hospital did record the marks they found when he came in, though it's been years since he took himself to the hospital for a wound or injury. These days he tends to just dress his own wounds and bones that need to be set he resets without too much effort. 

Karma knows his classmates are his soulmates, knows who's who, entirely based on the words and pictures depicted on his skin, all on a loop around his collarbone and up his neck to his jaw line. He knows that his soul mates are what people will target if they figured them out, so he hides them with make up. Karma's a secret softie, holding those he loves close to his heart and not letting anyone use them against him. He sighs as he reclines back in his chair, watching in amusement as his classmates try again to figure out the mysterious soulmate they all share,  during lunch period.

With a groan and a stretch, he gets up and lies down on a nearby desk, making sure that his back is positioned in such a way it pops, creating a loud pop that resounds through the classroom, making the rest of his classmates give him a look. He gives them a grin and stretches out further, before getting down and heading to the window where he promptly jumps out. The class are used to this and return to their conversation, what they are not used to is the sharp cry that gets cut off that rings through the air from outside. Where their classmate had just gone. He may be the strongest, but he's only got an anti-sensei knife, his wasabi and his fighting style, but he can still be caught off guard...!

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