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3rd pov

Every person in the world has a skill. Not necessary a good skill or a physical skill, but a skill. There are some that let you analyze things, others that let you see the breakdown of everything you see, some that let you be faster, stronger, even some that let you erase your presence, though not all skills are permanent and as a matter of fact, most are limited and have to be used often to build up the time. E class are no exception to this, though the school has put them in there because they believe the skills the kids have are useless and they need to learn this early. 

Korosensei disagrees. He has a vague idea of what most of his students skills are - they're trying to kill him, they're not going to lose the element of surprise - and all of them are useful, it just takes an exceptionally creative and smart mind to use them in a way that gives them an advantage. Karasuma and Irina see the potential as well, though they also have a much better idea of what the kids skills are because a few have come to them to ask for help on control or how to use it. Karasuma's skill of Battle sounds simple, but is much more. He can study most fighting styles and learn them within a week or less, and then apply them. Irina's skill is Acting, which means she can literally take a look at a person and see what they want most, then shift to become a personality close to it.

The class all know they have skills, and they know what most of the skills are - Isogai's got Sharp eyes, meaning he can see where each person would best balance out another, Sugino's got Charm, able to relax and mingle with anyone but they do not fall in love with him, simply siblings. - useful, as well as what skill each person has. However, there are a few whose skills they do not know. Karma's, for one, as well as Hazama's, Terasaka's or even Sugaya's. They have no problem in letting those who do not wish to share keep their secrets. 

Everyone's skill comes in by the time they're 6, though some are late and others early. Terasaka's came in when he was 8, and he had to learn how to hold back, his Hardening meaning his skin got harder and pulling open a door would tear the wall off the building. Hazama's came in when she was 3, and her Shadow skill hides her in the shadows, but it's hard to draw herself out of them without a strong reference point, so she has not used it in years. Sugaya's skill came when he was 5, his Reflect letting him know what colors would work best to blend, where you need to be brighter or darker, and even whether a person's aura was dark or not, leaving him paranoid and jumpy.

Karma got the most screwed and he didn't find his until he was 10 - the bullying was real bad before he started putting up a fight and even then, it never truly stopped - when his Haze decided to appear in order to protect him from a thief that had broken into his house. The idiot had been armed, taking anything of value he could carry and he'd heard Karma's steps creaking through the floor, and decided he could not risk  being discovered, so he charged up the stairs. Karma had freaked out and hidden under his bed, determined to not be found. Honestly, he had thought he'd been found out when his door slammed open, but the thief checked everywhere - even locked eyes with Karma when he checked under the bed - but he did not spot him.

Karma's Skill hides his presence and covers him in a fog, so to speak, that makes it really hard for people to focus on him. The only downside means he gets a lot of attention when his fog is not up and so fights are usually inevitable, despite the fact he'd really rather be left alone.  The class use their skills and ideas to try and assassinate their teacher, trying everything they can possibly think of, but he manages to evade each time. Karma never uses his ability to it's fullest extent when helping with assassinations, and Hazama never uses hers at all. 

The class is beginning to get concerned. They could understand it to start with, but the skills of every person do have to be used or the skill starts to hurt the user. The pain can range from physical to emotional to psychological . There's no real way to know what kind of pain the skill will cause, but Karma had been coming in with a grimace almost always on his face and a hand rubbing at his chest, Hazama has been looking paler than normal and is spacing out more, while Terasaka and Sugaya are a lot more paranoid than usual. 

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