I'm Sorry For Your Loss

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Giancarlo's POV

After driving Bianca home me and my brothers went to our fathers house to tell him what happened. We know Bianca has nothing to do with it but he must know that Daniel is on our side of the boarder and harming women. Plus, the contract that my mafia and his mafia signed says that no member of an opposing mafia can pass the boarders unless invited and Daniel was not invited. He technically broke the contract but we weren't about to kill someone in front of an innocent girl.

Arriving at our Fathers house we walk to the front door where his maid Diana opened the door for us. "Welcome, Mr. Bartolo. Your father is in his office, he would be happy to see all his sons." she politely greeted. We all nodded and walked to his office. I knocked on the door waiting for him to let us in. "Come in!" He sounded upset, maybe he already knows. "Hello father" I greeted as my brothers followed me. "My sons! What a great surprise! What brings you boys here?" His mood changed when he saw us which was good because we all hatted when we had to talk to him when he's mad.

"Father, unfortunately we come with some bad news. Daniel Hernandez was on our side of the border." His face turned back to anger and he slammed his fists on his dest. "Please tell me you guys dealt with it, this isn't the first time this happened!" We all looked at each other because we know we should have killed him when we had the chance. "Well, we didn't kill him. There was a girl and she would have seen everything and she isn't a part of this." My father looked at all of us disappointed. "I didn't raise you boys like this! If you see an opportunity you take it! Get out of my office. Now." He was trying so hard to keep his cool because he hated yelling at us. "Sorry we disappointed you father. It wont happen again." I finished. 

With that the four of us walked out and headed towards the kitchen. "Well that was fun." Tony joked. "I was gonna kill him but someone had to stop me." Enzo said looking at Dante. "Enough! We just need to focus on finding him again so we can kill him." I snapped at them. I need my father to know that I'm ready to become boss when he passes everything over to me next year. "Bro calm down. We will kill him and you'll still get both mafia's" Dante reassured me. "Alright, well I have to go home and deal with some things. See you all tomorrow." I replied as I walked to my car. 

An hour after I got home I get a phone call from Enzo.


"Giancarlo, someone broke into Dante's house and shot him."

"What! There are guards everywhere what happened to them!"

"They were all killed. We have one of the men that broke in, he's already in a cell."  

"Fuck! Is Dante at a hospital?"

"Yeah, they are bringing him into surgery now but they don't know how long it will take."

"Ok. I'll be there as soon as I can." 

How could this happen? I wouldn't be surprised if Daniel is behind this. My dads right, we should have killed him when we had the chance, we could have dealt with Bianca after. I quickly get in my car and drive to the hospital, calling my dad letting him know what happened. 

After two hours of waiting in the waiting room Dante was finally out of surgery. The doctor informed us that he's stable and will be here for a while and how lucky he is to be alive. I swear when I see Daniel, I don't care where we are I'm going to kill him, I'm not taking anymore chances with that ass hole. After a while of sitting by Dantes bed I decide to go home and think of a way to kill Daniel. I'm done with his games. 


This morning I woke up with a plan to kill Daniel but we couldn't do it right away. If we entered their boarders they won't hesitate to kill us so we have to wait for him to come here again which we all know will happen. Driving to Dante's house I'm just imagining all the ways I'm gonna torture that son of a bitch that broke in. Maybe I'll blow torch his hands? 

TW: Torture

I couldn't wait to torture this son of a bitch. Walking down the stairs to the basement I can see him strapped to a chair in the middle of the room. "So, I'm assuming you know who I am and if you do then you know that I won't hesitate to kill you." This man deserves everything coming his way. "Lets begin shall we. Whats your name?" I ask bending down to his level with my hands on my knees. "I'm not telling you ass hole!" He spat at me. I stabbed his leg and his screams brought joy to me. "You want to do it this way? Ok. Sam, get me the blow torch." He quickly came back with it and I smiled. "Now, what were you and your men doing at my brothers house." He didn't respond so I torched his hands. The smell of burning flesh and his screams fulled the room.

After a few hours he still hasn't spoken, he was totally useless, so I shot him in the head. "Check his body for any tattoos that label him being apart of a Mafia. Then clean this up." I finish as I walk back upstairs. Suddenly I get a call from an unknown caller. 


"Is this Giancarlo?"

She sounded like she was crying. 

"Yes, who is this?"

"It's Bianca. I need help, please come help me."

Her sobs got louder. I swear if Daniel hurt her again... 

"Giancarlo, are you still there?"

"Yeah I'm here. Where are you?"

"I'm at my house."

"Ok I'll be there is five minutes."

I ran out on Dantes house and got into my car. Why does Daniel always ruin everything, I thought as I punched the steering wheel. 

I finally got to her house and jumped out of the car so fast I didn't even turn it off. 

"Bianca, open up it's me!" I yelled while banging on the door. "Bianca?! Open this fucking door!" What was taking her so long! As I'm about to kick down the door it opens. I quickly scanned her body for injuries and found none. Her eyes were red and puffy from crying, what happened to her?

"Bianca, whats wrong?" She looked at me and broke down even more. "My mom died in her sleep and I don't know what to do. What do I do?" She said in between sobs. "Why didn't you call an ambulance?" She looked down almost embraced to look at me. I lifted her head up with two fingers so she was looking at me and asked again in a softer tone. "I-I can't afford all the medical bills and they would only tell me what I already know. She's dead and they can't do anything." She broke down again, I quickly pulled her into a hug rubbing circles on her back.

"Bianca, it's going to be ok. I can have someone come and take her and we can do a proper funeral." she moved back a bit to look at me. "As much as I would love that for my mom, I can't-" I cut her off because I already knew what she was going to say. "Don't worry about the money, I'll pay." She looked at me like I had two heads. "What, are you crazy! Funerals are expensive, I can't ask you to do that." Why can't she just accept my offer. "Bianca look, your mom is going to have a proper funeral and you don't have to worry about anything." 

She just smiled at me and hugged me again. "Come with me, you shouldn't stay here tonight." She looked with me confused. "No its ok, I can just go to my friends house. I don't want to bother you anymore." 

"Bianca, It's no bother. Pack an over night bag and I'll bring you to my apartment." She raised an eyebrow at me. "Don't worry, I won't hurt you and my building is the one of the most secure in the city." She nodded and went upstairs but I could tell she was still sceptical of me.   

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