My Girl

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Giancarlo's POV

"Hi boys, I'm Candy but you can call me sweetness." She said while pointing at me. Every single girl that has come in this room so far are so desperate for some dick, it's kinda funny. Without even waiting for our signal she started dancing on my lap instead of the pole and I could tell Bianca was mad.

"Get out." I said while pushing her off of me. I was trying to hard to stay calm in front of Bianca but this slut was testing me. "Why?! You don't want to get this little bitch mad!?" I know she did not just call Bianca a bitch.

I was ready to rip her head off but Bianca cut me off. "Who you calling bitch!" She yelled at her. Damn. I thought she couldn't get any hotter but then she did this, I instantly felt myself get hard. My brothers looked at her in shock, who knew she had it in her to talk back like that.

"Who the fuck do you think you are talking to me like that? You're just another one of his whores!" Candy spat back at her. How dare this crazy bitch talk to my girl like that. "If you EVER call my girl that again I will kill you. Do you understand me?!" I yelled as I stood up pointing a gun at her head. 

I don't know what happened but I saw red and attacked. This bitch is lucky I let her live.

She instantly ran out of the room in fear and it brought a smile to my face. I will not have someone come here and disrespect me and the woman I love. "I'm getting a drink." Bianca said as she walked out of the room. I knew she was pissed off at that bitch. "Dude what the hell was that?" Dante asked me. 

"She disrespected Bianca. She's lucky I let her live." I said while sitting back down. "Yeah but you just called her 'my girl'" Tony added using air quotes around 'my girl'. Did I really say that out loud? Fuck! "Is the Giancarlo Bartolo AKA Shredder actually settling for a girl!" Enzo asked in shock.

Well, shit. I think I am finally settling for a girl. Bianca is literally perfect is every way, shape and form. But I know if I admit it right now I would never hear the end of it and people can use her to get to me. I can't put her in danger. "No I'm not settling." I replied with a straight face. It broke my heart to say that when she's the only girl I've felt this way for.

"Mhmm" Enzo answered with a smile on his face. "I'm leaving. Finish with the girls." I said while leaving the room. Bianca was sitting at the bar downing shots like its water. "I think you should slow down." I said while sitting down beside her. 

"Sorry for the way I acted in there." She looked at me with a sorry look. "Are you kidding? That was so hot." She looked away trying to hide her blush but I stopped her. "Don't hide your face, you look so cute when you blush." She smiled.

"Can we go home? I want food and I'm tired." She asked me with cute puppy dog eyes. How could I say no to her. "Of course." I say while picking her up bridal style and carry her to the car. "You know I could walk right?" She asked me sarcastically. "Yeah but I kinda wanted to make the dumb sluts outside jealous." 

As we walked pass the girls, Bianca hid her face in my neck from embarrassment but I'm happy she did because she does not deserve the daggers she's receiving from the sluts. I sit her down in the passenger seat of the car and while I was standing back up she pulled me down by my tie and kissed me.  

"What was that for?" I asked. I mean I didn't mind it I would kiss her all day if I could, it was just unexpected. "To make the dumb sluts jealous and because I wanted to." She replied using my words. I got up, got to the drivers seat and drove home.  

"Can you teach me how to fight?" She asked out of no where. "Of course. Is there a reason why you want to learn?" Why did she suddenly want to learn how to fight? I mean, it is a good skill to have, especially when in the Mafia. 

"I don't know. I just want to be able to protect myself just in case." Does she not know who I am. No one will ever lay a finger on her. "Am I not good enough to protect you?" I jokingly ask. She instantly sent me a glare.

"Thats not what I mean. I just want to learn how to fight." I could feel her eyes burning into the side of my head as I drive. "Ok, we can start tomorrow." I reply. 

Pulling up at the house I noticed Sofia sitting on the front steps looking upset. As soon as she saw us pull in she wasted no time running to the car. "Where the hell did you go? I thought something happened!" She yelled at us. I should have just run her over.

"Sof chill, we just went to the club." Blanca calmly replies. How she didn't slap Sofia in the face for yelling at her, I don't know. "What the fuck were you doing at the club?" She asked her with a raised voice. If she doesn't stop yelling at her I will slap her.

"They needed to hire some strippers and I needed to get out to clear my head so I went. Now, can you move so I could get out of the car?" Bianca sassed back to her. I'm seeing a whole different side of her today and it's kinda hot. 

Sofia backed away from the car allowing Bianca to get out. "Bitch I can't believe you went to the club without me. I would have loved to make fun of some dick hungry whores." Sofia said while crossing her arms. I'm gonna let go of the fact that Sofia just called Bianca a bitch because they're best friends. 

"Trust me you didn't miss much. Except for when Giancarlo over here pulled a gun on some girl names Candice or something" Bianca answered back. Sofia's eyes almost popped out of her head "Didn't miss much! I would have loved to see that! Why did you pull a gun on her G?!"

"She called Bianca a whore and I don't allow that." Just talking about it got me mad again. No one will EVER talk to her like that. "All that because she called B a whore? Someone's protective." 

I will always be protective of her, she's mine. I'm always protect whats mine and no one will ever hurt her. 

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