Truth Reviled

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Giancarlo's POV

As soon as I said those words, her face dropped and my heart shattered. This is not how I wanted to tell her but I needed to keep her safe. I instantly pull her into a hug as I noticed her legs go week. She started crying uncontrollably, I didn't know what to do so I started rubbing circles on her back and whispering sweet nothings into her ear in an effort to try and calm her down. 

"Who did it?" She asked in between her sobs. I've gone this far, I have to tell her now. "We have a suspicion that it's your father," I instantly felt her tense up as my words left my mouth. "Thats why you can't go home, Bianca." I finished as she looked up at me.

"I'm sorry," I gave her a confused look, why is she sorry? "I was trying to sneak out to go home. I didn't want to be a burden to you anymore." She started crying even more. "Shh, it's ok. I promise to keep you safe. Your father wont hurt you and you're not a burden." I felt her nod against my chest in reply. I kissed the top of her head not fully realizing what I did until after I did it. Shit! Dumb move. 

She realized what I did and looked up at me. "Sorry that was uncalled for-" Before I could finish my sentence I was cut off by her lips smashing into mine and I didn't fight it, I've been wanting to do this since the second I laid my eyes on her. Her lips are so soft and I could taste the saltiness from her tears. This wasn't like any other kiss I've experienced before, it was full of love and passion, not just lust and neediness from one of my sluts. 

We pulled away leaning our foreheads together so we could catch our breath. "Non sapevo che ti sentivi cosi." (I didn't know you felt that way) I knew she couldn't understand me but the smile on her face says it all. "I'm going to need you to speak english or teach me some Italian." she giggled.

"I didn't know you felt that way." I repeated but in english this time so she could understand. She started to blush and look away but I put my hand on her cheek stopping her. "Besides my mom, you're the only person that has put an effort into trying to protect me. I'm not gonna lie, when I first saw you, you scared the shit out of me but I still somehow felt safe. I know this all sounds cheesy, sorry."   

I laughed a little at what she said. Does she really feel safe around me? "Come on, let's go home." I said while grabbing her hand. The whole way back nothing was said, I still held on to her hand for dear life like at any second she was going to leave. What is it about her that's making me feel this way?

When we got home, I walked her to my room. She looked so tired and if I'm honest, so was I. "Make your self at home, I'm going to take a shower." She nodded and got under the covers. During my shower all I could think about is that I have the most perfect girl laying in my bed right now and I'm showering. 

I really don't know what it is about her that makes me feel this way. She's just different. Walking out of the bathroom, I see her in a ball sleeping so peacefully. I climb into bed with her, put my arm around her waist and pull her closer to me. 


Bianca's POV

I woke up with the feeling of weight on my stomach and look down to see a very muscular arm with many gold rings. "Good morning love." His raspy morning voice was so hot I could already feel myself getting wet. I turn over to face him to see him already smiling at me. 

"Good morning." I smile back. He seems happier than usual this morning, I'm not sure why. "I'm gonna take a shower." I say while standing up from the bed but I didn't get far before Giancarlo pulled me back into the bed. "No, stay." He begged while holding me in his chest. "Who knew the big bad Mafia man can be this clingy." I laughed.

"But for real, I'm going." I say while struggling to get our of his grip. "Bianca, nooo. Come back." He begs again. "I'll only be ten minutes. Calm down." With that I closed the bathroom door and took my shower.

Two minutes after getting into the shower, the shower door opens and in walks Giancarlo. "Hey! What the hell are you doing?! Get out!" I yell trying to cover myself up. "This is my house and my shower, I can do what I want." He says while smiling at me. This man is ridiculous. "Fine. I'll go shower in Sofia's room." I said while leaving, all he did was laugh. 

I grabbed a towel and ran out of Giancarlo's room and into Sofia's. Thank God no one saw me, that would have been so embarrassing.

After showering I got changed into blue ripped skinny jeans, a white crop top and an oversized grey full zip sweater, and made my way to the kitchen for breakfast. I decided to make pancakes for myself and the others who were probably still sleeping. 

"Who are you?" A sassy female voice said from behind me causing me to turn around. "Umm, I'm Bianca. Who are you?" This girl was in a very short pink dress, had blue hair and smelt like a bottle of whiskey. 

"I'm Veronica, Giancarlo's girlfriend." His what! How could I be so dumb, of course he would already have a girlfriend. I'm so mad right now maybe I'll hurt him like he hurt me. I see Enzo come down the stairs and I know exactly what to do.

"Well, I'm Enzo's girlfriend." I said while running up to him jumping into his arms and kissing him. Enzo didn't even fight the kiss, he just went with it. "Good morning baby." I said to him with a smile on my face. He on the other hand looked confused. "Good morning?" 

He then saw Veronica standing in the doorway to the kitchen and realization hit him. "What the hell is going on here!" Giancarlo's voice boomed from the top of the stairs. I was still in Enzo's arms but he instantly dropped me when he heard Giancarlo's voice.

"Oh, your girlfriend is here." I put on a fake smile and pointed at Veronica. "What the fuck are you talking about?" He ran down the stairs to look at who I was pointing at. "Hope you guys have fun together, me and Enzo are going to watch a movie." I grabbed Enzo's hand and dragged him to the movie room.

"Bianca, wait. What the hell is going on? My brother is going to kill me after what he saw." Enzo looked scared shitless. "Something happened between me and Giancarlo yesterday but now I know that he's a cheater and a lier and a man whore."

Enzo looked at me confused. "Wait what?! My brother has never had a girlfriend. Yes, he's had a bunch of sluts to fuck but never anything more. Veronica is just one of the crazy ones." So what was he planning to do with me? Fuck me and then let me go? Fuck no, I need to leave here. 

"This is so fucked up. So yesterday your brother was only trying to use me. Nice. I should have never come her. You guys are all fucking ass holes!" I stormed out of the room and went to the backyard so I didn't have to pass the kitchen. 

I should have never called Giancarlo when I found my mom. I should have called Sofia or even the ambulance, I would deal with the money later. My life is going to complete shit.

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