I Missed You

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Giancarlo's POV

We arrived at the safe house at 11pm and there is not one ounce of tiredness in my body. I want her back. I need her back. It was almost comforting when I confessed that I love Bianca to my brothers and dad.

If I'm honest everything I do now is with her in mind, I can't seem to get her off it. "Son, are you ready to get your girl?" My dad asked breaking me from my thoughts. I nod in response and we all exit the car. 

"Same plan as last time. Snipers take out the guards on the roof and in front of each entrance. Then we go in, kill anyone that gets in your way. My brothers, dad and I will find Bianca." I order. They all nod in response. 

The plan works just as perfect as before and in no time gun shots filled the air. In a couple of minutes all of their men were down. They're all idiots, none of them wore vests and were terrible shots.  

"Hack the computer's and check which room she is in." Enzo orders. I'll let it slide this time because we all want her back. 

"Sir, she's on the second floor in room five." Sam says. My brothers, dad and I instantly run to her. Please let her be ok. PLEASE.


Bianca's POV

The sound of gun shots ringing through the building woke me up. I don't know why but my eyes started tearing up from fear.

After a few minutes everything stoped. No screams, no guns, no running. Nothing. "Please let that be Giancarlo." I whisper to myself. My tears were streaming down my face and there was no sign of them stopping. 

The sound of footsteps and the door shaking scared the shit out of me. What if it's John. Is he going to kill me and run off? I don't want to die. Now I was violently sobbing from all the anxiety.

The door birth open and I instantly shut my eyes and shouted, "Please don't kill me!" I was holding my breath waiting for something to happen but nothing did. I open my eyes and see five sad faces.

I released the breath I was holding, it's Giancarlo and his dad and his brothers. "Giancarlo?" He walked closer to me and I could tell he was fighting back tears. "Shh, it's ok. You're coming home." He started untying me then lifted me up bridal style.

As we walked out of the room I saw body's scattered throughout the house. Oh my god please don't tell me Alexander's dead. "Are they all dead?" I was starting to panic and I knew Giancarlo could tell.

"Yeah but-" 

"No no no no no. Put me down I have to find someone." I cut him off. He hesitantly put me down but I still clung onto him for support. 

"Who are you looking for?" Tony asked. How am I going to tell them I have a half brother. "Alexander. I have to find Alexander. He has brown hair and tall and a lot of muscles and green eyes I think." 

I breathing was increasing, I felt like I was going to faint. "Ok. We will find him but you have to calm down." Rocco assures me. 

I stood at the railing looking down to the main floor where most of the body's were. I scanned each one internally begging that he's ok. "Bianca?" A man behind us asked out of breath.

The five boys instantly turned and pointed their guns at him. "NO! Don't shoot him!" I yell at them and they all put their guns down. It's Alexander. 

"Alexander are you ok?" I ask fighting back tears. I slowly made my way to him and he did the same. "I'm ok. Are you ok?" He asks. I nod in response. When we finally reached each other we gave each other a hug. 

"Who are these guys?" He whispered in my ear during our hug. I laughed at him and he looked at me weird. "Thats my boyfriend Giancarlo, thats Enzo, Dante and Tony, and this is their father." I pointed to each of them as I introduced them.

Yes. I used boyfriend. When I wasn't getting beat up, I did a lot of thinking. Giancarlo has showed me a different kind of love and has provided me with so much even when he knew basically nothing about me.

He was always there when I needed him the most and he has yet to let me down. And if you're wondering, yes. I do love him. 

"Hi, I'm Alexander. I'm her- I'm her brother." He introduced himself. The boys faces turned to confusion but before I could answer their questions, the room started spinning and darkness consumed me. 


Giancarlo's POV

It's been one week since we found her and she fainted. The doctors said that she has a very serious concussion, multiple areas of internal bleeding, and broken ribs. Even with all this happening I still can't forget the look on her face when we found her in that room. 

'Please don't kill me' was the first thing she said as we walked in. Did she really think John was going to kill her? That son of a bitch is going to die a slow, painful death. 

Seeing her laying the shit white bed with a bunch of machine's attached to her is killing me. I should have done better. How did I not know that idiot was undercover for another mafia? 

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