Take Care of Yourself

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Bianca's POV

"Girl how do you know that man and why were you at his place? OMG are you guys a thing?" She fired questions at me. I still haven't told her about my walk home the other day or about my mom. "Look, I have to tell you something." She gave me a confused look. "My mom, she umm, passed away in her sleep last night." suddenly the car stopped throwing me forward a bit. "Bianca, I'm so sorry. If you need to you can stay with me for a bit, I know you don't like being by yourself." I just nodded my head in response.  

"Wait so why are you still coming to school? You should be at home, grieving." she gave me a confused look. "I have my final exam for biology today. If I don't show I'll fail and then my future is down the drain." 

"B, I know how bad you want this but you have to be real with yourself. You need to take care of yourself and think of yourself for once." She gave me a concerned look. I knew she was right but I still had to do this, I needed to change my life. "I know but I'm fine. I just need to get my mind off it for a while and this exam will do just that." She looked back on the road and continued driving to school. 

Arriving at school, we went our separate ways as I walked towards my class. I sat in my seat waiting for the test to start, just thinking about what Giancarlo and Sofia said. Maybe I should be at home, but I couldn't, they would never understand my life. I was pulled out of the thoughts when my teacher asked to speak to me.

"Ms. Romano, I have been informed that someone very close to you has passed away and requested that you don't do the test today."

"May I ask who informed you?"

"The principal told me but he was informed by Mr. Bartolo. With that said, you must go home and take care of yourself."

"So I won't fail?"

"No, but you will complete the test next week Wednesday."

"Ok, thank you."

I can't believe that ass hole. I'm fine! I was ready to take the exam now. Who the hell does this guy think he is trying to control me? I was so mad I walked out the school and picked up the phone and called him. I don't care where he was or what he was doing. 


"Excuse me?! First of all, don't talk to me like that and second of all why the fuck did you actually call my school?! I was ready to write that exam, I don't need you coming here and screwing with my life."

"Calm down your life is still the same, maybe better that I'm in it, and last time I checked you called me."

"Yeah, I called you because I didn't know what to do about my mom, not so you can mess with my future."

"Where are you, I'll pick you up and talk to you about your mothers funeral."

"Where do you think I'm at dumb ass? I'm at school!"

"Hey! Watch your language o ti devo punire." (or I'll have to punish you)

"English please."

"Never mind, I'm leaving now. Don't move"

With that he ended the call leaving me in my thoughts. How funny would it be to just walk home and see him worry when he gets to the school and doesn't see me? Very funny. Anyways, I have to work at the club tonight and I'm defiantly not looking forward to it. 

Fridays are always one of the busiest nights and its usually when all the creeps come in to take ladies home. Sofia always comes on Friday's because she loves to party and get drunk but also because she knows I'm working. She always wants to keep me safe because God knows that I can't fight for shit. 

Finally the idiot that ruined my day shows up, of course in a Ferrari so he would draw attention. "Took you long enough. What, did you take the scenic route?" He just gave me a stone cold look like he wan't impressed. "Just get in the car." He answered back unamused. 

The ride was silent most of the way until he spoke up. "My men took your mom to the funeral home. The casket and grave have been picked out but I'm sure you'll like it and before you say anything about money, don't worry, it's on me." His eyes never left the road as he spoke. He has one hand on the wheel and the other resting on the gear shift. Damn, he's got a nice jaw line.

I think he saw me staring because the corner of his lips twitched up. "Ti piace quello che dici, bella?" (You like that you see, beautiful?) What the hell did he just say to me? And who's Bella? "What? I don't speak Italian if you haven't noticed."

 "I know." Is all he said in return with a smirk on his face. Oh how I would love to wipe that look off his face. He drove me back to his apartment so I could get changed and because he said he forgot some papers.

"Hurry up and get changed, we're going to the cemetery so you can approve everything." I quickly ran to my room and changed into a skirt and over sized sweater, I just wanted to be comfortable. "Your wearing that?" He said to me as I walked out of my room. "Your wearing that?" I fired back waving my hand around. "Gesu cristo aiutami." (Jesus christ help me.) he mumbled. Seriously, what the hell is this guy saying? Why can't he just speak english?

Looking at my mom in the casket made me sad. She's gone. She's really gone. Tears started to form in my eyes as I felt an arm snake around my waist. I didn't even fight it, I was just wishing this was just some crazy nightmare. "Come on, I'll show you the grave we picked out." He whispered in my ear. His soft breath on my neck sent shivers through my body and the smell of his cologne was like a drug. Wait, Bianca what the hell are you doing? Stop thinking like that. 

He lead me through the cemetery to a field of head stones and walked me to the one that had my mom's name on it. It was perfect, right under a tree just like she always wanted. In front of her head stone was a six foot hole where I would soon be putting my mom in. I missed her so much already and it was killing me, how am I supposed to live like this for the rest of my life? "Do you like it?" He asked, his arm was still wrapped around my waist. "Yeah. It's perfect actually." I smiled at him. "The funeral will be in two days. Invite who you want." I nodded back in response. 

How would I pay him back? "Thank you," He looked at me confused. "For this. For saving me the other day. For everything." He placed his hands on my shoulders and moved me so I was completely facing him. "Believe me, it's no problem at all. I would do it all again if I had to." I felt a blush come on my face and quickly looked away. "Shit, what time is it?" I quickly check my phone, 3:45pm. "I have to go to work. My manager needs my help setting up." I looked at him worried. "Ok, I'll drive you."

We went to my house so I could take a quick shower and do my hair and make up. When I walked in everything was cleaned and put away, he's really doing too much. I ran upstairs and  got changed into my uniform. When I walked down stairs I noticed Giancarlo wasn't there anymore. He left a note on the coffee table saying,

Sorry to do this but I have an emergency, I have to go, one of my men will drive you to work. Today was fun but I hope you don't hate me too much. Finche non ci rivedremo, bellissima.  (Until we meet again, beautiful.)

A/N: Thank you for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote! I love you all :)

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