Little Miracles

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Bianca's POV


"Giancarlo! Come here for a second." I shouted from our room. These past two years have been crazy to say the least. Giancarlo finally became capo of the Italian and American Mafias. Rocco, or should I say dad, was more than relieved to hand everything to him, he said 'it's time for him to have some real responsibility'. 

Sofia and Alexander started dating. Five months in they had an oopsie and now their son will be turning one in a month. My and Giancarlo are his Godparents. Little Asher is just the cutest little thing in the world.

Finally, Giancarlo made his way into the room. "Did you have to yell? I finally got Marco to go to sleep and you almost woke him up!" He whisper yelled at me. Oh yeah, did I mention that we had a son. 

After nine months of trying it finally worked. The second I told Giancarlo, he doubled security around the house, and I was never allowed to leave. Not even if he came with me. He didn't want to risk anything. He also didn't let me help one bit with the nursery because he didn't want me hurting myself or the baby. 

"He's still asleep so it fine. Anyways I have something to show you." I said with excitement. Giancarlo place Marco down in his crib and walked over to me. He placed a kiss on my lips before I started. 

"Here!" I said with the biggest smile on my face as I shoved the surprise in his hands. It took him a second to realize what it was before he looked at me with shock. "Are you serious?" He asked, not quite believing it could be true. 

I nodded, biting my lip to contain my smile. He looked down at the sticks again. "You're really pregnant again?" He double checked. "Mhmm" I replied with the biggest smile on my face trying not to wake Marco. 

Giancarlo instantly picked me up and spun us in circles. "I knew we could do it." He said in between small laughs. I grabbed his face and kissed him. "Wait," Giancarlo said pulling away and placing me down. He has a look of concern in his eye.

"What's wrong?" I ask. "I need to call Tony and tell him to add more security and we need to start on the babies room and I need to call the doctor so we can get an ultrasound and I nee-" I burst into laughter, cutting him off. "You worry way too much. Just calm down and enjoy the moment." He smiled and kissed me passionately. 

After so much heartbreak and sadness, my life was finally coming together like I dreamt it would. I have a happy and healthy family, I couldn't ask for anything more.


Thank you so much for reading. I'm currently in the process of writing another book, not related to this one, that will I will start publishing soon so stay posted. Thank you so much for all your support during this process, it really means a lot. <3 

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