Caught In The Act

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Bianca's POV

As soon as we got home I got out of the car before anyone could open the door for me and ran inside to Sofia's room. I just wanted to be alone. I don't have the energy to do anything, the image of my mother being put in the ground is burned into my head. 

I just want to go home. My home. This big ass place is not my home. I have nothing to live for anymore, my purpose is gone. Trying to see through my tears as I get changed into sweats. I need to get out of this place, I think to myself. The sun was already starting to set, the sky was a beautiful reddish orange as the sun hid behind the tall building in the distance.

I came up with an idea to sneak out but I would have to wait until midnight to actually go through with it. All I had to do was wait. 

Giancarlo's POV

The second we pulled up to the house Bianca jumped out of the car and into the house before anyone could help her. I hate seeing her like this, broken and sad. Enzo, Tony and Dante gave each other confused looks before leaving the car. 

The house was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. None of us knew what to do to help her, we all just stood in the kitchen not saying anything. "When are you going to tell her?" Enzo broke the silence. Sofia gave us all a confused look. "Tell her what?" She raised an eyebrow at us. 

"Her mother didn't die of natural causes." I sigh. Sofia's eyes almost popped out of her head. "Are you saying someone killed her mom?" I nod. "We think it's Daniel. We think he went to her house for her but didn't find her so he killed her mother instead." Tony said the anger slowly creeping in his voice.

"That could be true but there was no sign of a break in. He would have needed a key." Dante was right, nothing was broken or damaged. "I think I know who it is." Sofia said looking at her hands. "Who?" I spat at her. 

"Her dad." Everyone looked at each other confused. "You can't tell her I told you this, not even when she tells you guys," we all nod. "Her father used to abuse her and her mother ever since B was little. He would burn her with the ends of cigarets, cut her, beat her and almost drown her. Thats why she didn't want to swim with us yesterday." 

Anger was written all over our faces, how dare someone do that to my girl. I'm going to find that jack ass and kill him myself. "She said he ran away years ago because he didn't want to deal with her mom's disability." She added. If he ran away years ago, why is he back now and why kill Bianca's mom? 

"Do you know his name, so I could do a background check on him." Dante asked looking like he was going to rip someones head off. "John Colombo." Why did that name sound so familiar to me? "I know that name," Enzo cut in as if reading my mind. "he's in the German Mafia." he finished.

"Thats why Bianca has her mom's last name." Sofia muttered under her breath. "I'll get some men to do some digging. I'll let you know what we find." I said while walking out of the room. I need to clear my head before I explode. Everything makes sense now, the nightmares, the flinching, her being scared of water. 

Everything he did to her, I'm going to do to him. This man doesn't know what's coming his way. 

Bianca's POV

Finally it was midnight. I heard everyone go to bed a couple hours ago, Sofia used the guest room. At first I was planning on jumping out the window but its a long way down and if I break my legs it all would have been for nothing. So, I just decided on walking out the front door and take a car.

I open the bedroom door just enough to fit my head through to see if anyone is in the hallway, the coast is clear. Slowly, I start making my way down the stairs and after what felt like ten minutes I finally got to the bottom. Making my way to the door I slowly turn the knob....

"Bianca?" Shit, shit, shit! I turn around and I'm met with a shirtless Giancarlo. He has tattoos covering his chest and his entire left arm. This man looked like he was sculpted by the Gods. His abs were bulging and his pants were low enough for me to see his v-line. His long, dark brown hair was messy, it was so hot. The sweat dripping from his skin somehow made him look even hotter.

"Ti piace quella che vedi principessa?" (You like what you see princess?) His voice snapped me out of the trance I was locked in. "Umm, what? I just wanted to get some air." I hate lying and lately I've been lying so much. "At this hour?" He questioned. I don't even know what to say, he could probably tell I was lying.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep." I forced a smile, damn all this lying is killing me. "I'll come with you let me just get a shirt." No no no! I don't want you to come! "No, it's ok you don't have to." He gave me a confused look. Maybe jumping from the window would have been a better idea. "I'm coming. End of discussion." I nodded back at him. His voice was stern and cold, I didn't want to fight him. 

After a few minutes he came back with a shirt on, making me kinda miss looking at his muscles. He grabbed my hand and led me out the front door. We walked around for about half an hour not saying anything and he never let go of me hand. 

"I want to go home." I blurted out making his stop. "Ok, let's go." He turned around and started walking back to his house. "No. I mean my house." He stopped and gave me a confused look. "What? Why?" He asked as his grip on my hand got tighter. 

"I want to be in a place that I'm comfortable in, I want to sleep in my bed. I just want to be alone." I feel so vulnerable right now and I hatted it. "I know my love but you can't go home. It's dangerous." He said while giving me a calm, loving look. Why is it dangerous though?

"Why is it dangerous. Daniel doesn't know I live and can't you just get some of you men to guard my house or something?" I raised an eyebrow at him. I'm so tired of all his games. I always feel like he never tells me the whole story. 

"Bianca, I have to tell you something." He sighed looking down at our joined hands. "Your mom didn't die of natural causes, someone killed her while you were at work."

What did he just say to me?! 

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