Your Killing Me

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Bianca's POV

It's been three days since I told Giancarlo that I wanted to put us on pause and if I'm being honest it's killing me more that I think it's killing him. Every time I see him I just want to jump into his arms and kiss him but it would make me look crazy because I'm the one who put the rule down. 

"Bianca, let's go to the mall!" Sofia yells as she walked into the living room. "I would love to but I have work in the ER in a couple of hours. Sorry." She raised an eyebrow at me giving me her 'are you kidding me' face. "Bianca, you don't need to go to work anymore. We can take care of you here. I'm sure Giancarlo has money to spare." Hearing his name made me smile.

"No way, you guys are already doing too much for me. I need to have money for myself once everything is over." Sofia quickly walked out of the room like she had a plan. This should be fun. 

After twenty minutes she comes back with the biggest smile on her face. "Guess what! You don't have to work tonight so we can go to the mall!" Is this girl crazy I needed that job at the hospital. "Sof, I really appreciate it but I can't just not go."

"To bad, we already called in and said you're not going. Oh, and all the boys are coming shopping with us and they never go to the mall." Before I could say anything she dragged my hand out of the room and to the front door. 

"Wow, calm down their Sofia. Where are you running to?" Dante asked. Did Sofia not tell him we're going to the mall? "I need you, Tony, Enzo and Giancarlo in the car now. Tell them it's an emergency." Dantes face turned worried and quickly got on the phone as Sofia dragged me out of the house. 

With in a minute all the boys came running to the car and got in. "Whats wrong? Whats the emergency?" Giancarlo asked looking like he was ready to kill someone. "We have a fashion emergency so we're going to the mall."

"What the hell Sofia! Thats not cool!" Enzo yelled. "Sof, when you said they were coming I thought they were willing to come." I raised an eyebrow at her. "Well next time don't assume." Was all she said as the car took off to the mall.

As we parked the car, I could already tell that the boys didn't want to be here. "Everyone, get out! We need to get Bianca new clothes!" Sofia yelled at all of us. "Hey! Whats wrong with my clothes?" I ask. She eyed me up and down and says "You need a style change." 

After dragging me to every single store in this mall my feet felt like they were going to fall off. "Sof, can we please go home now. My feet are going to fall off." I complain, the boys nod their head in agreement. "Can all you baby's suck it up, there is still one more store I want to take Bianca too." 

She walked us to Forever 21 and everyone is the store looked at us scared. All the girls in the store were drooling over the four boys, and they weren't even trying to hid it. "Hi, my name is Isabell. Just let me know if you need help with anything." She was only talking to the boys like me and Sofia weren't even there and then touched Giancarlo's arm as she walked away.

I wanted to slap that bitch back up her mothers vagina for doing that but I somehow controlled myself. "Ugh, gold digging bitches." Sofia said as she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the dress section. She immediately filled my hands with dresses and demanded I try all of them on. 

Little did I know I would be putting on a fashion show for Sofia and all the boys.

Dress 1

Dress 1

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"No. Absolutely not." Sofia said and the boys agreed with her.

Dress 2

"I like that one

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"I like that one." Dante smiled. Giancarlo's face turned to anger at his comment. "Ummm, no. Not for you." Sofia cut in.

Dress 3

As soon as I stepped out everyone shook their head viciously

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As soon as I stepped out everyone shook their head viciously.

Dress 4

"Are you sure I picked these dresses

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"Are you sure I picked these dresses. They are all ugly." Sofia asked me. "I certainly didn't pick these." I said back to her before walking back in.

Dress 5

"Thats it

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"Thats it. Thats the dress." She said with the biggest smile on her face. That comment caused all the boys to look up from their phones. All their jaws dropped including Giancarlo's, although he tried to hide it. 

"Finally, ok lets go." I quickly got changed and walked right out the change room door and right into someone's chest. "I'm so sorry, it was- oh it's just you." It was just Giancarlo but his scent invaded my lungs and I instantly wanted to take him right here. 

"Yeah its just me." He pushed me back into the change room and locked the door behind him. "These past three days have been hell, please come back to me Bianca." He begged as he had me pushed up against the wall and trapped in between his arms. I felt the same but I couldn't make it that easy for him.

"And why should I come back to you?" I asked crossing my arms. "Because I know you love me and I want whats mine." He whispered in my ear instantly sending shivers throughout my body. I found myself getting instantly wet, again. He started planting soft kisses on my neck but I quickly pushed him away before this whole store could hear how good those kisses felt.

"I'll let you know when I have an answer." I said and walked out of the change room and to the front of the store where everyone way waiting. "Can we please go home now Sof?" I begged. I was so tired of walking and the boys were tired of holding the millions of bags. "Fine" She sighed and lead us back to the car. 

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