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yesterday, Aoba Johsai lost to Karasuno. you were at the volleyball match to support your boyfriend Toru Oikawa, the setter and captain of the team. you had convinced him he was going to nationals this season, so when they lost, he was more than devastated. he was heartbroken. although he was angry, he didn't hold it against you nor was he mad at you.

you were currently walking to his favorite cafe for coffee. you loved his presence, but not the silence that came with it today. you were understanding of him though, volleyball is his passion. you were happy you found someone with goals like his.

you ordered his coffee for him. he likes his coffee super sweet, just like him. you brought his drink to him and he nodded his head as a way of saying "thank you". he wasn't completely ignoring you. every now and then he'd let out a "hm" or nod his head to acknowledge you.

you were now walking home, in silence. you tried comforting him but it wasn't working. you understood he was upset, but you felt so unheard. "Toru have you even been listening to me today?" you asked sternly. "mhm". "stop with the mhms and gestures. can you please just fucking talk to me?!" you were shouting at this point. "the fuck do you want me to say Y/N?" you were arguing as you two were walking across the cross walk when he suddenly pushed you, HARD. your body scraped across the ground and you hit your head. it hurt, not just physically but mentally too. you've gotten in countless arguments with Oikawa, but he never once put his hands on you with the intention of harming you. this time was no different.

you looked at him, but he wasn't standing anymore. he was laying on the ground. he wasn't moving, he seemed almost... lifeless. you watched a car speed away from the area. you ran to him regardless of your injuries and looked for his. you laid his head in your lap and everything appeared to be normal, he was just unconscious. you lifted his head off of you attempting to move out of the street but your eyes were met with a red liquid substance that was now all over your thighs. blood.

𝑊𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑀𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑒 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡Where stories live. Discover now