Chapter 7

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'Y-you?' I asked shakily, he nodded. I broke down in sobs. How could this be? The most feared/hated professor in all of Hogwarts is my father! I buried my head in my pillow and when I looked up, Snape was sitting on the end of my bed.

'I'm sorry Rose I never wanted to put you through this.' He said quietly, then I jerked upwards and faced him.

'Rose?' I asked, then it dawned on me. 'It was you wasn't it? You wrote that note, you gave me the liquid luck and it was you who ordered Dobby to tell me not to come back to Hogwarts this year!'

'I gave you the liquid luck for Christmas and I wrote the note that came with it, but I didn't send Dobby.' He replied.

'Then who did?' I asked in a whisper. 'Why do you call me Rose?' I asked confused.

'Rose Ebony Snape was the name your mother and I gave to you when you were born.' He explained. Then he spotted something, he moved his hand to my neck and moved my necklace out from under my shirt. 'You still have it.' He smiled. 'I gave you that necklace when you were born, obviously you couldn't wear it so your mother gave it to Mrs Partridge when she took you in and she told her to give it to you when you could wear it.'

'Mum gave it to me on my fifth birthday, she snuck up to my room while Father was asleep and gave it to me. I've worn it ever since.' I said remembering. All of a sudden something inside me snapped. 'Why did you give me up? Why did you leave me with them? Because of you the man I thought was my father hated me, he called me a freak every time he talked to me or mentioned me! He beat me for no reason other than he was having a bad day! He beat me because I once asked why I never got any presents. And all this time you knew who I was, you knew where I lived, you could have helped me!' I screamed then I picked up my wand and pointed it at him. 'Expelliarmus!' I shouted and he flew across the room and banged into the other wall.

I ran out of the dorm and out the portrait hole, then I left the castle and ran to the weeping willow, going inside the curtain I sat down and screamed at myself internally. I attacked a teacher, how could I be so stupid? To make things worse Malfoy showed up.

'Partridge?' He asked quietly as I stared at the ground. I looked up at him and he saw my blood red eyes, he sat down in front of me and stared at me.

'What do you want?' I asked shakily.

'I saw you run down here, you looked upset.'

'Since when has my welfare concerned you?' I sniffed.

'It doesn't, I just hate to see you moping around.' He replied.

''Well what would you do if you had done what I just did?'

'What did you do?' He asked kindly.

'I just found out that I was adopted and that my real Father is Snape.' I sobbed. His face went as white as a sheet and broke down again, then he shuffled closer and started gently rubbing my back. By the time I calmed down my shirt was soaked with tears, I looked to Malfoy who was now smiling at me slightly. 'Thank you........Draco.'

'You're welcome...........Stephanie.' He replied, then he helped me off the ground and we walked back to the castle together.

That night I told Harry, Hermione and Ron what I had found out and Ron wasn't impressed.

'He's your what?' Ron asked shocked.

'Yes I just found out that Snape is my Father and I thought I should tell you.'

'There's no way that can be true, you don't even look like him.'

'It's true.'

'Why didn't you tell us this before?'

'Because I didn't know until today.'

'Yeah right, you were probably telling him everything that we were doing last year. That's how he knew we were up to something!'

'I didn't, trust me!'

'How can we trust you? How do we know that you're not on the dark side?' He asked angrily. 'I'm going to bed, you in the morning Harry, Mione............Snape.' He said then he went upstairs to the dorms. I stood up angrily and turned to face Harry.

'I never told Snape about what we were doing and I hate that he is my Father.' I said darkly then I walked up to my room, gave Mabel her dinner and a hug, got changed, cleaned my teeth and got into bed.

The next morning I woke early and got ready for the day, I didn't care what the others thought or weather or not they wanted to be my friends. I'm probably better off alone anyway. I went down into the common room with a piece of parchment, a quill and a bottle of ink. I knew I would have to write home and tell them what I knew so they could stop pretending.

Dear Mrs Partridge,

I have recently discovered that many things in life aren't what they appear to be and I am writing to tell you that I know that I was adopted and that I am not your daughter. You no longer need to pretend to love me and I will not expect you too.

P.S. Tell Mr Partridge that he will not have to worry about me coming home from Christmas as I will not be returning until the end of the year.

From Stephanie

I took the letter to the owlery and gave it to one of the Owls to deliver then I went back down to the Great Hall for breakfast. I sat alone at the end of the table and ate in silence before heading off to my next class; transfiguration and today we were transfiguring animals into water goblets.

'One, two, three, Vera Verto.' McGonagall said tapping the bird three times with her wand gently before saying the incantation. Then the bird morphed and became a silver water goblet, the classed ooh'd at the trick. 'Now who would like to volunteer?' When no one put their hand up McGonagall chose. 'Ah Mr Weasley.' She said she walked closer to him and stood in front of the desk Harry and Ron were sharing. 'One, two, three, Vera Verto.' She reminded him. Ron picked up his wand off the desk and cleared his throat. Then tapped his rat three times before speaking.

'Vera Verto.' However the rat didn't change completely into a goblet, it turned into a brown furry goblet with a tail! The entire class laughed as Ron stared in disbelief, McGonagall however was not pleased.

'That wand needs replacing Mr Weasley.' She said, then Mione put her hand up. 'Yes Miss Granger?'

'Professor, I was wonder if you could tell us about........the Chamber of Secrets?' She asked. Everyone stared intently at the Professor waiting for her answer.

'Very well.' She agreed. 'Well, you all know, of course, that Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago, by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age. Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin. Now three of the founders co-existed quite harmoniously. One did not.'

'Three guesses who.' Ron smirked.

'Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed magical learning should be kept within all magic families. In other words, pure bloods. Unable to sway the others, he decided to leave the school. Now according to legend, Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in this castle, known as the Chamber of Secrets. Though shortly before departing, he sealed it until that time when his own true heir returned to the school. The heir alone would be able to open the chamber and unleash the horror within, and by so doing, purge the school of all those who, in Slytherin's view, were unworthy to study magic.' Professor McGonagall explained.

'Muggle borns.' Hermione said, McGonagall nodded.

'Naturally the school has been searched many times, no such chamber has been found.'

'Professor?' I asked from the back of the class, McGonagall looked at me. 'What exactly does legend tell us lies within the chamber?'

'The chamber is said to be home to something that only the heir of Slytherin can control, it is said to be the home of a monster.'

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