Chapter 20

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The next day after class we went to visit Hermione, I was beginning to understand how the others must have felt while I was in that coma last year after the troll attack. It gave me a sick feeling knowing how it felt to be shrouded in the blankets of a long sleep. I listened as Harry spoke softly to her while holding her clenched stone-like hand, it made me wonder what did the others do while I was in the coma? Still I watched and listen to my friend as he spoke.

'I wish you were here Hermione, we need you.' He said then he noticed something in her hand, he pulled out a crumpled piece of parchment and started to read it.

'What is it.' I asked.

'This is why she was in the library the day she was attacked, she's solved the mystery.' He said in awe.

'What do you mean?' Ron asked.

'Come on, we've got to show the teachers.' Getting up and we followed him out.

'Read what's on the parchment would you? So we at least know what this is all about.' I suggested.

'Of the many fierce beasts that roam our land none is more deadly than the basilisk; capable of living for hundreds of years instant death await any who meet this giant serpents eye. Spiders flee before it. Guys this is it: the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk, that's why I can hear it speak it's a snake.' Harry explained.

'But if it kills by looking people in the eye then why is it that no one's dead?' Ron asked. We thought about it for a moment then I spotted my reflection in the glass of a nearby window and it clicked.

'Because no did look it in the eye, not directly at least. Collin saw it through his camera, Justin saw it through Sir Nicholas and Sir Nicholas is a ghost so he couldn't die again. Then Hermione saw it through the mirror, in fact I bet that's why she had it, she was using it to look around corners in case she accidentally came upon it.'

'What about Mrs. Norris? I'm pretty sure she didn't have a camera or a mirror Rose.' Ron said skeptical. I paused thinking, there was no way my theory was wrong, but Ron was right the cat wouldn't have used any of those things.

'There was water on the floor that night, so she only saw its reflection.' I replied remembering when we had found the care takers cat hanging by the wall. Then we walked over to a torch so we could read the parchment.

'Spiders flee before it, it all fits!' Harry said.

'How's the basilisk been getting around? A dirty great snake someone ought to have seen it.' Ron asked.

'Hermione's answered that too.' Harry replied pointing to a word down the bottom written in Hermione's hand writing.

'Pipes?' Ron read. 'It's using the plumbing.' Ron said bewildered.

'That explains why it sounded like it was behind the walls.' I realised.

'Remember what Aragog said about that girl fifty years ago? She died in a bathroom. What if she never left?' Harry wondered

'Moaning Myrtle.' I replied. 'We've got to tell McGonagall or my Father.' I said then McGonagall's voice echoed through the halls as if she was using the speaker system like muggle schools did.

'All students are to return to their dormitories at once, all teachers to the second floor corridor immediately.' Then all was quiet.

'That doesn't sound good.' Ron gulped.

'Come on that's not far from here we could tell them what we know.' I suggested and we ran. We sped through the long twisting halls until we heard the teachers coming from the other way and they stopped in front of the wall so we stayed hidden and listened to what they were saying.

A Hogwarts Rose Year 2Where stories live. Discover now