Chapter 15

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A month later and Christmas was almost here, unfortunately so was the polyjuice potion and we were going to interrogate Draco tonight after the feast. Mione had already got her hair that she was going to add to her part of the potion, she was going to turn into Millicent Bulstrode and she'd got the hair off her robes, I was going to temporarily become Pansy Parkinson and I pulled her hair straight from her head while she wasn't looking. Harry and Ron were going to be Crabbe and Goyle, they were yet to get the hairs and were going to do that sometime after dinner.

When the time came I went with Hermione to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom to watch her finish the polyjuice potion, she told me that she had given the boys two cupcakes filled with a sleeping draught to make sure that the real Crabbe and Goyle didn't burst in on us while we're interrogating Draco. She then made me change into Slytherin robes that she'd taken from the laundry. Once the boys came back Hermione dished the potion into four beakers so that there was one for each of us.

'We'll have exactly one hour before we change back into ourselves. Add the hairs.' Hermione instructed and we did. We stared at the thick mud-like mixture disgusted.

'Ew, essence of Crabbe.' Ron said, I laughed.

'Cheers.' Mione said and we put our beakers together before lifting them to our mouths and swallowing the disgusting potion as best we could. It tasted terrible and I gagged on it. Then Ron stopped and dropped his beaker, I flinched as it smashed on the floor.

'I think I'm gonna be sick.' Ron said starting to double over and he ran to the closest toilet cubicle.

'Me too.' Mione said dropping her beaker and running to the next cubicle. Then Harry dropped his and bent over the sink, I was the last to succumb to the potion, but I dropped my beaker like the others and joined Harry at another one of the sinks.

I looked down as the skin on my hands began to bubble and change. I felt myself shrink, my feet and hands become smaller and my hair become shorter. When the process finished I turned and looked at Harry, who now looked exactly like Goyle except with his glasses still on.

'Wow, Harry you look just like Goyle. I could never have guessed it was you, except you need to take your glasses off.' I reminded him and he put them in his pocket. Then Ron came out of the toilet and stared at us.

'Harry? Rose?'

'Yeah.' I nodded.

'Merlin.' He said shocked.

'We still sound like ourselves, you need to sound more like Crabbe.' Harry said to Ron.

'How's this?' Ron asked in a lower voice.

'Excellent.' Harry replied.

'Guys I don't know if I can do this?' I said worried.

'Why not?' Harry asked.

'Because I don't think I can do Pansy's voice very well and I might get us caught.' I didn't tell them that I also felt bad for betraying Draco's trust and what makes it worse is that Pansy is known to have a thing for Draco!

'No way, just try.' Ron said, so I did.

'What do you think?' I asked putting on my version of Pansy's voice.

'Are you sure you're Rose Snape?' Ron asked grinning.

'Hang on where's Hermione?' Harry asked.

'I-I don't think I'm going, you'll have to go on without me.'

'Hermione are you ok?' Harry asked.

'Just go, you're waisting time!' She said from inside the cubicle, so we left and headed quickly to the Slytherin common room. Then we ran into Ron's brother, the Gryffindor Prefect, Percy.

'What are you doing here?' Ron asked using his Crabbe voice.

'I happen to be a prefect and you have no business to be wandering the corridors at this late hour, now um. What are your names again?' Percy asked.

'Crabbe, Goyle! Where have you been? Pigging out in the Great Hall all this time?' Draco asked walking up behind us. Harry and Ron nodded and Draco looked to Percy. 'What are you doing here Weasley?'

'Mind your attitude Malfoy.' Percy replied and we followed Draco to the Slytherin common room. When we got in Malfoy flopped on one of the emerald green lounges and looked at us, I sat down on the opposite ones while the boys stayed standing awkwardly. I instantly noticed that everything was green, silver and black in line with Slytherins house colours.

'Well sit down.' Malfoy said and the boys sat next to me. 'You'd never think that the Weasley's were purebloods with the way they behave. They're an embarrassment to the Wizarding world, all of them.' I saw Ron clench his fist and I was tempted to elbow him in the ribs, but Draco already picked up on it. 'What's wrong with you, Crabbe?'

'Stomachache.' Ron replied.

'I did tell you not to eat so much.' I said in my Pansy voice. Then Draco looked at me.

'You know, I'm surprised the Daily Prophet hasn't done a report on all these attacks. I suppose Dumbledore's trying to hush it all up, Father always said that Dumbledore was the worse thing that ever happened to this place.'

'You're wrong.' Harry almost shouted, then Draco stood up.

'What? You think there's someone here who's worse than Dumbledore?' Draco asked. Ron shook his head, I stared wondering what Harry was going to say. 'Well do you?'

'Harry Potter.' He suggested.

'Good one Goyle, you're absolutely right. Saint Potter.' He spat sneering. 'And people actually think that he's the heir of Slytherin.'

'Then you must have some idea as to who's behind it all.' I said.

'You know I don't Pansy, I told you yesterday. How many times do I have to tell you?' He asked and he went and sat on a nearby desk where he picked up a small green box and shook it gently. 'Is this yours?' He asked, we all shook our heads and he placed it into his pocket. 'But my Father did say this; it's been fifty years since the chamber was opened, we wouldn't tell me who opened it, only that they were expelled, the last time the Chamber of Secrets was opened a mudblood died. So it's only a matter of time before one of them is killed this time, as for me I hope it's Granger.' Ron and Harry nearly launched themselves of the lounge at Draco for saying that, but they managed to stop themselves. 'What's the matter with you two? You're acting very odd.' Draco asked.

'It's his stomachache.' Harry replied. Then I had an idea to see how much Draco really valued our friendship.

'What about that mudblood Partridge?' I asked sneering.

'Ro- uh she's not a Partridge, she's a Snape and she's not a mudblood, she's a half-blood Pansy and what have I told you about calling her names?' He asked angrily, satisfied I backed down. Then I looked to the boys as Draco took the box out of his pocket and looked at it, I held in a gasp as Harry's scar started to reappear.

'S-scar.' Ron whispered to Harry.

'Hair.' Harry replied as Ron's hair started to turn red again, then Draco looked at me and his eyes widened. We made a run for it out of he common room and back up to the first floor bathroom.

'Hermione come out we've got heaps to tell you!' I called as we ran into the bathroom.

'Go away.' She replied and we walked over to the cubicle as Moaning Myrtle came out.

'Wait till you see.' She giggled, then I pushed open the door. Hermione was facing away from us as she started talking.

'Do you remember me telling you the polyjuice potion was only for human transformations? It was cat hair I took from Millicent Bulstrode's robe.' She said turning around. Her face was now covered in fur, she had large green cat eyes, a little pink cat nose and pointy ears sticking up out of her hair. 'Look at my face.' She said sadly.

'Look at your tail.' Ron said amused as we noticed Hermione's long bushy tail as she bowed her head ashamed.

'You look good as a cat Mione.' I smiled. 'All the same I think we should get you to the hospital wing.' So we did, but we had to stop on the way as Hermione and cough up a hairball. When we got to the hospital wing Madame Pomfrey was surprised to see what had happened, but she assured us that Mione would be alright and we went back to Gryffindor Tower.

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