Chapter 18

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It's Christmas! I woke up early and rushed downstairs into the common room, just like last year there was a pile of presents under the tree and I waited for the others to get up. It wasn't long before Harry came out on to the top of the landing and smiled at me before running down the stairs and nearly flattening me with a hug.

'Merry Christmas Rose.'

'Merry Christmas Harry.' Then I brought him over to the tree and we stared longingly at the gifts. Then I realised how strange it was that Harry had forgiven me for being friends with Draco all of a sudden and I decided to ask him about it. 'Harry, how come you've forgiven me?'

'I was never really angry with you in the first place, you're allowed to be friends with anyone you choose. At least so long as it's not Voldemort, then I think we have a problem.' He joked.

'There's no way I would ever like that murderer.' I replied. 'Anyway should we wait for the others?'


'Hey you two, you're not going to leave me out, are you?' Hermione asked walking into the common room.

'Now way, merry Christmas Mione.' I said giving her a hug.

'Merry Christmas Rose.' She replied. Then I saw Ron standing at the bottom of the stairs looking at us.

'Merry Christmas Ron.' I said feeling awkward.

'Merry Christmas Rose.' He replied smiling. 'I'm sorry about what I said before.'

'That's alright it's not like I haven't done similar things.' I grinned. 'Now I have these.' I said giving a small box wrapped in red Christmas paper to each of my friends. They thanked me and went to sit on the lounge in front of the fireplace while I sat on the floor in front of them. I watched as Mione opened her present which contained a book, her face brightened as she read the title.

'The lion the witch and the wardrobe! Thank you Rose!'

'You're welcome, now come on you guys open yours!' I demanded. Ron opened his and was surprised to find........'

'Quidditch through the ages! Thanks Rose.'

Then it was Harry's turn and what I had given him was very different from the things I had given Mione and Ron. I knew that nothing I could give him would compare with the presents he had been given last year, but I hoped he would like it all the same. As he opened the box he looked inside and stared at its contents. He slowly took it out and then looked to me.

'Where did you get it?' He asked.

'I can't tell you that.' I said grinning.

'What is it Harry?' Ron asked and Harry showed them. It was a snow globe with the four of us sitting in the compartment on the Hogwarts Express talking and laughing together.

'Wow.' Mione breathed.

'I hope you like it.' I said.

'I love it!' Harry said giving me another hug.

Then it wasn't long before the rest of the remaining Gryffindors were awake and came down into the common room to exchange gifts and we finally got to hand out the presents that were underneath the tree. I was glad to see that Wood had stayed for Christmas again this year and he once again handed out the presents to everyone.

Ron got presents from his parents and did Hermione, while I got presents from Hermione and Ron, who also gave Harry presents. So by the end of it Harry had a box of chocolate frogs from Hermione, Flying with Cannons from Ron, a new jumper and a plum cake from Mrs Weasley, a tin of treacle fudge from Hagrid and a toothpick from (you guessed it) the Dursley's.

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