Chapter 10

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As time went by things only got worse not only was everyone afraid of Harry, but they had all found out that I was Snape's daughter and they hadn't taken it well. Some called me a blood traitor and others said that I lied about my name since I arrived at Hogwarts. They started to hate me more and more with every day that passed, they started sabotaging my assignments, "accidentally" spilling juice on my essays, hiding my notes, trying to break my wand, poisoning my plants in herbology, but the worst was potions. They always enjoyed messing up my potions and today was no exception.

Today we were brewing a swelling solution and it was taking more time than I had anticipated, it didn't seem that complicated compared to the cure for boils that we had to brew last year. Man did that go wrong for a lot of students. Mind you when almost the entire class is trying to make you fail, things get complicated.

I followed the instructions in the text book and added the bat spleen, I turned to get my spoon to stir it with and when I looked back the mixture in the cauldron had turned black and was bubbling fiercely, it looked like a miniature tar pit. I stared at it horrified and seconds later Snape was at my side staring at my cauldron. I glanced around the classroom until my eyes rested upon Crabbe and Goyle, they were now laughing hysterically.

When I looked at Malfoy I noticed that he wasn't happy. He looked at me with sad grey eyes as Snape took fifteen points from Gryffindor for failing to complete any of my potions for the last two weeks and failing to hand in the essay he set us.

That afternoon I went to the weeping willow and tried to do my homework to make up for what the other Gryffindors had ruined. I sat there for hours trying to rewrite all of my essays until once again Malfoy showed up. I looked up at him confused and he suited awkwardly near the edge of the leafy curtain.

'You were sad during potions, why?' I asked.

'I-I, it's none of your business.' He replied clamping up. I thought back to the day at Flourish and Blotts, I remembered how Lucius had behaved and compared it to Draco. He was trying to be like his father.

'You know...Draco, when we met we almost instantly became enemies, without really giving each other a chance.' I said casually. He looked at me confused. 'Why don't you sit and we talk for a bit? I mean maybe we just hit things off on the wrong foot.'

'O-ok.' He said nervously and sat down opposite me.

'So what do you want to talk about?'

'I don't know?' He replied quietly.

'Alright, I'll start then. You already know my name, so what if I tell you a little bit more about me? Ok, I'm from Surrey, I live with my Mum and Father, I am an only child and I am thirteen years old.'

'No way, you should be in the next year then.' He said confused.

'Yeah I know, anyway why don't you tell me a littllittle bit about you?'

'I live with my Mother and Father, in Malfoy Manor, I am an only child and I am twelve years old.'

'Cool, what do you like to do? Do have any hobbies?'

'I like flying on broomsticks.'

'Is that why you joined the Slytherin Quidditch team?'

'Yeah, what about you?'

'Well, I like reading, swimming and flying broomsticks.' I replied. 'When we're in here it's almost like we become two different people.'

'Yeah, which version of me do you like better?' He asked casually.

'The nice Draco that shows his soft grey eyes, that answers my questions and doesn't judge me for who I am.' I replied. 'What about me?'

'I like the Stephanie that is willing to give me a chance and not hold what I say outside of here against me.' He replied smiling.

'So Draco, does this mean that we're friends?' I asked hopeful.

'I believe it does.' He nodded. 'So what is your real name? If you don't mind me asking that is.'

'Rose Ebony Snape.'

'I like it, it sounds pretty.'

'Thanks. What about you? I know your first name and your last name, but what about your middle?'

'My full name is Draco Lucius Malfoy.'

'Your middle name is your Fathers first name?' I asked hesitantly. He nodded.

'Yeah.' He sighed, he was about to continue when someone came in.

'Draco?' It was Goyle.

'What do you want, Goyle?' Draco snapped and he stood up with lightning speed.

'Uh, Professor Snape wants you.'

'Alright.' He nodded stiffly. 'Goodbye mudblood.' He sneered, then when Goyle turned around he winked at me and the two of them left. I waited until they were a good distance away from me, then I followed them. I wanted to know why Snape wanted to see him and this was the only way to find out.

When Draco and Goyle split I continued to follow Draco as secretly as I could through the castle until he went down to the dungeons. There he went into the potions classroom and gently shut the door behind him. I pressed my ear to the door and tried to listen to what the two of them were saying.

'You wanted to see me, Godfather?'

'That is correct Draco, I saw the other day that you were walking with my daughter and the two of you seemed very friendly towards each other.'

'Trust me Sir there's nothing going on, it's just that it was getting late and we were both walking back to the castle.'

'Indeed, well I want you to get to know her. Try and get her to forgive me for what I've done in the past, but don't let Potter, Weasley or even Miss Granger find out about it. It's none of their business.'

'Of course not Sir, I will do as you ask.'

'Good, see you in class tomorrow.' Snape said and I heard Draco's footsteps coming back towards the door. 'And Draco.' The footsteps stopped and turned around.

'Yes Sir?'

'Don't tell Rose that I asked you to do this.'

'No Sir.'

Then I ran up the stairs and into the main entrance hall where everyone was just going off to dinner. As I followed the crowd inside the Great Hall I felt Draco's eyes on my back. This was going to make things interesting.

So what do you guys think about Steph being Draco's friend, please review and let me know! :D

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